Femme Royale is less than two months away, so sign up NOW! Wine Country CrossFit is stoked to host this XFIT competition for all women in which there is something for everyone. Just started XFIT and not sure you are ready for this? Well there is a FUN division just…
Wednesday's WOD Cleans - Find 1RM Hold 2 second pause below the knee until bar reaches 75% of estimated 1RM. Coaches choose starting position based on athlete's experience. WOD: EMOM 10 Minutes 3 Cleans (use 80-90% of 1 RM weight from above) 10 Good Form V-ups
It's back to gymnastics and body weight work today. All of this gymnastics work sets the stage for so much more in your future CrossFit workouts. More strength, more stamina, more stability, yes even more fun! It seems like it should be such a simple thing to just hold on…
This Abs of Steel Retest marks the mid-way point of the Abs of Steel program (since we expanded the program from per last week's post). Take note of how you do in the retest. Set yourself up to win by making sure you understand how to keep everything tight through the…
OOOH. The "P" word. Don't worry, I'm not going to make a stand for a political candidate. From Wikipedia: "Politics (from Greek: politikos, definition "of, for, or relating to citizens") is the practice and theory of influencing other people. More narrowly, it refers to achieving and exercising positions of governance…
October 17 we will host the All Womens competition Femme Royale. This is a partner gig, so get with your favorite workout besty and sign up now! Divisions are Fun, 50/50 and RX, which means there is something for everyone. Never done a competition like this and not sure what…
Anterior Chain-Posterior Chain. No matter how you attack this workout today you will be feeling it. You will need it ALL in today's workout and woe to those of you who don't stabilize your core (ABS OF STEEL). The Prowler has a variety of ways to mow you down. If…
Does rope climbing create a sinking feeling in your gut? Do you gaze over at the ropes and shake your head a little and think "nope, not for me"? Well, on the heels of yesterday's advice--if you are shaking your head "no"--I want you to nod enthusiastically and say to…
I raced in the SF Bay on Saturday morning in an outrigger canoe. Our six person team started at Chrissy Field and paddled east toward Treasure Island. The wind, swell, chop and race course design seemed ALL not to be in our favor. What was to have been a 75…
There was this great blog post I was reading the other day from Opex Fitness about managing your diet (here). Lots of great advice in that post, the number one nugget being "Every body is different. Therefore what works for one person will not necessarily work for you—or be the ‘gospel’…