================================ Wednesday's WOD: Deadlift: Find new 1rm (sumo or conventional) Bent Rows 8-8-8-8 Coupled with Glute Ham Raises (sub hip extensions or supermans as needed) As time allows: Toes to bar 3x max reps
========================================= Tuesday's WOD: Pull Ups - If you have multiple kipping pull-ups, work on strict, L, or weighted. 5xmax reps or 5-5-5-5-5 for max weight If you don't have kipping pull ups, it is time to practice WOD: Death by 10m with 2 cones set 10m apart, run 10m the…
Last week Suzanne Holiday, in a bid to be crowned "Paleo Queen" shared a list of favorite Paleo quotes with the Paleo Challenge group. It was so fantastic that it must be reposted here. Have a read, it is well worth it! -Ryan CAVEMAN / PALEO QUOTES Sugar is a…
When I tell you that if you jerk using your legs, you can save the strength in your arms, this is exactly what I am talking about! Jump the bar and get under it! -Ryan [youtube]http://youtu.be/5I5t50m5eLI[/youtube]
Mark's Daily Apple recently had a great post about how to deal with the questions you will undoubtedly hear when you tell people that you are not eating grains: The 8 Most Common Reactions To Your Grain Free Diet (And How To Respond) And another all about the fat in…
======================================= Thursday's WOD: Sumo Deadlift: Find 3rm 3 Rounds: Ball Toss to yellow line (50/25) 10 Deadlift (135/95) 5 Box Jumps 5 Pull Ups *Ball toss - Take a medicine ball and underhand toss it down the sidewalk. As soon as it leaves your hands, run after it. Repeat as…
=========================== Wednesday's WOD: Power Cleans: From floor, find 1rm 3 rounds: 10 Hammer strikes per hand 5 dumbell hang squat cleans (50s/25s) 5 slamball burpees Sprint to yellow line and back
====================================== Tuesday's WOD: OH Squat 5-5-5-5 Complete 5 rounds: Max Push Ups Sprint to telephone pole *Make sure to begin sprint from push up position. So once you finish your last push up, start the sprint from the push up or prone position. *The rest & recovery for this workout…
We've got a guest blog today from my wife Marina. Enjoy! -Ryan 5 Things That Make Eating Paleo Easier By now, the Paleo challenge is well under way, and folks are starting to get into the groove (or starting to realize where their biggest hang-ups are going to be). Perhaps…
========================================= Friday's WOD: Lever work. Start with inverted hang on the rings and work toward levers As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of: 7 One Arm DB Snatches RT - 50/25 7 One Arm DB Snatches LT - 50/25 5 Box Jumps (30/24)