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5 Things to Make Eating Paleo Easier

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We’ve got a guest blog today from my wife Marina.  Enjoy!


5 Things That Make Eating Paleo Easier

By now, the Paleo challenge is well under way, and folks are starting to get into the groove (or starting to realize where their biggest hang-ups are going to be).  Perhaps you’re NOT doing the challenge because you don’t think you’ll be able to stick to it- so perhaps this list will inspire you to give it a try.  I’m not going to lie- this list is not earth shattering, AND going paleo is going to take some extra work.  BUT, if you set yourself up right, and give it a go, I 100% believe the benefits are worth it!


1)   Coconut oil.  One of our main goals in a paleo lifestyle is trying to even out our omega 3 to 6 ratio.  Coconut oil is a great source of medium chain fatty acids, and because it’s a saturated oil, we don’t have to worry about it breaking down and becoming a trans fat- so do your high heat cooking with this.  Don’t love the tropical taste? Make sure to get ‘expeller pressed’ and it will basically taste like nothing!  Buy in bulk (online) at tropical traditions, or stop by your local trader joes where they’ve been promoting the heck out of it!

2)   Tupperware.  Sounds like a no brainer, but these little puppies aid in PACKING YOUR OWN LUNCH- the first step in being prepared, and not having to make a tough decision between ‘bad’ and ‘worse’ in the break room.  As I clean up dinner from the night before, I usually take out a separate Tupperware and pack my lunch at the same time.

3)   A CSA Box.  With fresh, local veggies (and sometimes fruits) coming your way each week, you can’t help but be inspired to cook them.  Think of in as the food equivalent to a WOD- veggies box, for time!

4)   Bacon.  No brainer, right?! Any ‘diet/lifestyle’ that allows/encourages you to chow down on some of this = pretty freakin’ manageable in my book.  But ultimately, this is also symbolic of a mindset/attitude.  If you focus on all the amazingly yummy things you GET TO EAT, you will be much more likely to keep with it.

5)   Thinking INSIDE the box (with a little creativity on the side).  People give paleo a go and suddenly think they need to throw out all their cherished recipes.  I’m guessing there’s a lot of things you already make or eat that are paleo- or can be with a few tweaks.  Love tacos? Turn it into a salad with seasoned ground meat, sautéed bell peppers and onions, and top it with avocados! Missing pasta? Make your favorite bolognaise and cook up some spaghetti squash (and a glass of red wine for good measure!).  When I look through Martha Stewart Living or Real Simple magazines, there are lots of recipes that can be used ‘as is’ or slightly altered.  Don’t limit yourself to ‘just’ the paleo sites.


OK, that’s all for now!  Hope this gave you a little inspiration, or at least made you hungry for bacon 😉


Monday’s Benchmark WOD:


Double Unders
Sit Ups

* Sub 3x singles, or 1x tuck jumps as needed for the Double Unders
* Rx’d Situps are feet anchored with Ab Mat
*Scale Up to GHD Situps (This is gnarly!)

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