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Will the real Ryan Lazarus please stand up….

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Yesterday I created a post on Dr. Ryan Lazarus, describing his exploits in the field of nutrition and wellness. But, the Luddite that I am somehow managed to NOT publish the blog properly, and you read an incomplete sentence Friday morning. That was unintentional, and I thank you for working out with us despite my technological ineptness. Hope you all have a great weekend, keep up the good work, and below is my attempt to recreate the mysteriously disappeared blog post.


Dr. Ryan Lazarus spoke at the gym on Wednesday night. He explained the BIA test, what it means in regards to general health and wellness, and what it means to the Paleo Challengers. He also gave a short talk on Paleo and the importance of eating lots of veggies. He says the most important ones to include daily, 6-8 servings, are cruciferous vegetables. They  heal the body, contain the phytonutrients, minerals and vitamins we want.

He discussed the debate occurring in the world about what to eat, whether Paleo or Vegan is the way to go. Solid research is coming out on both fronts. He referenced a debate between Dr. Loren Cordain and Dr. Colin Campbell, and you can read it here.

In Napa we think of Dr. Ryan Lazarus as a chiropractor, but he also holds a degree in functional medicine, and in his Wellness Clinic he counsels people on how to overcome metabolic syndrome, fibromyalgia, and a host of other challenging conditions. If you don’t get the results you are looking for from Paleo and CrossFit, we recommend that you seek a consultation with the Lazarus Wellness Clinic.


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