January 8, 2021 Update
We are open and running classes outside! CrossFit Classes are on the covered Wine Train deck. Boot Camp and TRX Classes are on the front porch.

Pandemic protocols are in place and people new to WCCF can learn about them from this short video.
Signing up in advance for classes is now mandatory. Drop-ins from out of town can use this link to create an account, sign the waiver, purchase and choose your drop in class.
People interested in joining Wine Country CrossFit can use this link to set up a free class.
Exercise is the best anti-depressant on the planet. We are living through challenging times. Build a reservoir of wellness in yourself by showing up and working hard on a regular basis.
December 17, 2020 Update
Dear WCCF Community,
Unfortunately, we are under strict orders to halt indoor operations as of 11:59 PM tonight. We will therefore make the following changes effective immediately:
CrossFit Classes will be held on the covered Wine Train deck. We have reduced the roster size from eight people to six, and it is now absolutely imperative that you sign up in advance for classes.
Open Gym will be held on the covered porch in front. Grab your rack stands and weights and make it happen outside!
Boot Camp has two choices, and we ask that you respond to this email to inform your preference: Do you prefer to workout on the covered porch in front, at the Oxbow Commons under the Wine Train bridge like we did in the summer, or perhaps some of both?
CrossFit Kids & Teen Classes have been held outside all fall, and that will continue. Please note that during the holiday break our youth classes are in the mornings at 10.25AM. Please sign your children up in advance!
We know this is a giant and unsettling change for many of you, and we aim to make it as painless as possible. We are prepared to add more classes or move things around to please you, our community. Is it a midday class when the air is warmer that you need? Are additional Virtual Classes of value at this time? Please let us know.
Our goal is to keep you moving and healthy while we navigate these uncharted waters. We thank you for your understanding and continued participation as a community. We will get through this together!
August 3rd Update
Hello WCCF CrossFitters, Boot Campers and Families,
Following are small changes we want you to be aware of:
- Boot Camp at Oxbow Commons now starts at 5.50AM on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. People LOVE it out there and this class is also open to CrossFitters. Second class, as usual, starts at 7AM. Sign up on the app!
- Afternoon Boot Camp Classes are been cancelled until the pandemic chaos settles. We apologize for this inconvenience
- TRX classes start next week in Kiwanis Park on August 11. Sign up now on the app to reserve your spot!
- CrossFit Kids & Teen Classes continue for two more weeks. Once school resumes we will launch our after-school program
Enjoy these last few weeks of summer before kids return to school. Get outside. Move your body. Eat healthy food.
Your’s in health, sanity and fitness,
Beth and your team of coaches
July 30th Update
Hello WCCF CrossFitters, Boot Campers and Families,
As of tomorrow, Friday July 31 we will hold our Monday, Wednesday and Friday Boot Camp Classes at the Oxbow Commons. Address for this gracious location is 1268 McKinstry St. Saturday, August 1 8AM Boot Camp will be held at the gym.
Please note that the 5.30AM Boot Camp Class will now start tomorrow at 6.10AM, to coincide with sunrise. Please also note there is no bathroom at this location, so make sure you go before leaving the house!
We are still sourcing a new location for our CrossFit Classes. You will be the first to know when we have the details worked out.
A definite thing we have on the horizon is TRX in Kiwanis Park on Coombs St. This 45 minute class will start on August 11 and run through August 27th on Tuesday and Thursday at 6.15PM. Signing up for this will be on our app by tomorrow at 5PM. Space is truly limited in this venue. Commit when you sign up, or be prepared to pay the $12 cancellation fee.
In the meantime, we thank you for your support during these arduous times. Please feel free to reach out directly to me if needed. I’m always a text or email away.
Your’s in health, sanity and fitness,
Beth and your team of coaches
June 26th Update
Happy Friday,
Your safety is our number one priority, and we are constantly reevaluating our procedures. As such, the following changes to our CrossFit Class schedule will start next week, on Monday, June 29th:
- 9AM CrossFit will now start at 8.45AM
- 4PM CrossFit will now start at 4.15PM
- Morning Open Gym will now start at 10AM instead of 10.30AM
- Afternoon Open Gym will now start at 4PM instead of 3.45PM
We also want to offer you the very best of our Bootcamp and TRX program, so at this time It’s necessary to postpone TRX. We are shooting for an August reopening date for TRX, and we apologize for any confusion. In the meantime please attend Boot Camp at the gym Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. The schedule is here. These classes have been filling up fast, so sign up in advance to avoid the waiting list!
Should you not yet feel comfortable in the gym then our VIRTUAL classes continue on this schedule: CrossFit at 8.45AM on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Boot Camp on Tuesdays & Thursdays at 7AM. Recorded versions of these classes are posted daily on SugarWOD.
We are pumped to have successfully completed two weeks of classes. We live to support YOU in your mental and physical health. Healthy people lift heavy things and move their bodies. Wear your mask and keep coming in!
June 19th Update
Happy Friday,
We have successfully completed four days of running classes in the gym. Our safety protocols are working, and people feel safe coming to classes. A constant internal review is in process, and we will announce changes to format and schedule early next week. In the meantime please note the following:
- Saturday CrossFit is at 9.15AM. We can accommodate 16 people, and this Saturday we will do the George Floyd Memorial WOD. Sign up!
- Signing up in advance for IN GYM & VIRTUAL classes is mandatory. Do that on the Pike 13 app. For VIRTUAL classes you will receive a unique zoom link, so signing up is critical.
- Recorded classes continue to be posted on SugarWOD’s At-Home Workouts Track by noon most days
- VIRTUAL CLASS schedule is CrossFit on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9AM. Boot Camp is on Tuesday and Thursday at 7AM, Saturday at 8AM
- Please arrive early for your IN GYM class
- 6AM CrossFit is consistently full with a waiting list. Please note that our cancellation policy is now in place 8 hours prior to class start, and the fee is $12.
- Powdered chalk is no longer allowed in the gym, even in individual containers. We apologize for this inconvenience, and we now sell tubes of dry chalk for $19. The coaches love it, and we think you will too.
- New Open Gym hours start next week. In addition to the already posted AM Open Gym we will add 3.45-5.15PM Monday – Friday. It is, again, imperative to sign up via Pike 13 in advance.
We are overjoyed to see all of you in person in the gym, and on our small computer screens this week. The Summer Solstice is upon us. We hope the days are looking up for everyone.
June 13th Update
Happy Saturday, We are crazy excited to announce that THE GYM WILL OPEN FOR CLASSES ON MONDAY, JUNE 15! |
We will start with an amended schedule which you can see HERE. When you find the class you want to attend please use the Pike 13 app on your smart phone to sign up. GONE are the days of just showing up at the gym for a class. RESERVING your spot ahead of time now rules. You MUST sign up in advance. You may easily cancel your enrollment up to 12 hours prior. Cancel less than 12 hours in advance and you are subject to the cancellation fee. Currently we can allow eight people per CrossFit Class and 10 people per Boot Camp Class. We have also restructured the schedule to avoid congregating and crowds before and after class. Please bear with us for the first week while we figure things out. We are confident we will add more Open Gym and classes! Masks must be worn to the gym. Once you are in your workout zone you are welcome to remove the mask. Hand sanitizer is everywhere. Please use it upon entry and prior to entering the bathroom. Thanks to our survey last week we know there is still a demand for Virtual Classes. Starting Monday we will offer the following virtual classes: CrossFit at 9AM on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Boot Camp on Tuesday & Thursday at 7AM and Saturdays at 8AM. Recordings will still be found on SugarWOD. TRX, CrossFit Youth and Aerial Youth & Adult classes will resume in July. We can’t wait to see you on Monday. Wear your mask and get ready for lots of “air” high fives! |
June 10th Update
Happy Wednesday, We are poised and ready to open our doors. We just need permission from the governor and the county! Here’s what you need to know in preparation for gym classes in the Covid 19 era: |
WCCF Class Protocols
- Do not come to the gym if you are sick
- If you are healthy sign up in advance on Pike 13 app. Please note that class size is now limited and your enrollment is confirmation of attendance. Cancellation is allowed up to 12 hours prior. No-shows will be charged a $25 fee.
- Bring FULL water bottle with you as fountain is closed
- Stand in line on your spot at the door up to 10 minutes prior to start of class WEARING YOUR MASK
- Enter through glass doors and stop at front desk where your temperature is taken
- Front desk person will admit you to the gym & assign your workout zone
- Use provided hand sanitizer before leaving front desk
- Proceed to workout zone with mask in place. WHEN IN WORKOUT ZONE MASK MAY BE REMOVED. PUT MASK ON TO LEAVE YOUR ZONE.
- Gather needed equipment. List will be on white board
- Communal chalk buckets have been removed. We now sell individual tubes of chalk cream that works WELL, or you may bring your own supply
- Spray bottle and rag will be in your zone upon arrival. It is your responsibility to clean and put away your equipment prior to departure. Soiled rags go in bucket at exit.
- Please note that we use a bleach solution for cleaning now in the gym, so be careful about getting it on your clothes. Gloves are provided.
Member Expectations
- Cubbies and water fountain are closed. All personal belongings must stay in your zone
- Entrance is through glass doors in West Wing. Exit is via roll-up door in East Wing
- No more than one person in line for the bathroom at a time
- Use hand sanitizer prior to entering bathroom
- If you have been in the gym and get sick or test positive to COVID 19 it is imperative that you inform us immediately. WCCF will notify the other people in your class without identifying the sick person. WCCF follows Napa County COVID-19 reporting and contact tracking guidelines
You’ll be the first to know when we can open!
June 6th Update
We eagerly await the directive from Governor Newsom that gyms can reopen. We expect that to drop within a week, or even days.
In the meantime we are busy little bees over here. We have put together new operating and safety protocols. We have developed new systems to keep YOU and all our coaches safe and healthy. Our hope is to open for classes as soon as possible. You will be the first to know!
In order to provide you with the best service possible once the gym does open we ask you to complete our two question survey. Answering will take less than one minute. Please tell us your preferences HERE.
Enjoy the weekend, and know that we look forward to seeing you – in person – soon.
Beth and your team of coaches
May 30th Update
Happy Saturday, I stopped counting the days we Shelter In Place as we have now passed two and a half months. Governor Newsom dropped the hint a few days ago that gyms would open soon. When he gives the word we are ready! In the meantime, please read on. LIVE & RECORDED CLASSES Our LIVE Boot Camp & CrossFit Classes are a success both for attendees and the many people who access the recordings. We hoped to be able to continue to offer them for free, but we simply cannot due to the rigors of Shelter In Place. As such, here’s the steps you must to take in order to access our LIVE Zoom classes as of Monday, June 1: 1. Download the Pike13 app from the Apple or Play Store. Using your gym email and password, sign into your account. Please note we can resend you the Welcome Email if you can’t recall your login details. 2. On the app find your activity, choose the date and join the class! The app easy and fun to use. 3. If you have an active Bootcamp/TRX or Crossfit Monthly Membership you are all set! You’ll immediately receive an email with a unique link to your Zoom class. 4. If you have a Class Card one class will be deducted when you register for the class. You will then immediately receive a unique link to your class via email. If you are out of classes you will be redirected to the store. 5. Registration CLOSES for each class 5 minutes prior to the start of class. (This mostly applies to class pass holders, who will not be charged if they cancel prior to the start of class). 6. Please note; When you click the link to start your Zoom class you will be routed to a QUICK Zoom registration page before you are allowed into the class. Our Recorded LIVE Classes are now hosted exclusively on SugarWOD on the At-Home Workouts Track. This is now a Private Track to which we grant access to those with memberships. Should you have a Boot Camp/TRX or CrossFit Membership you have full access to everything! If you are a Class Card holder who wants access to the recorded LIVE classes on SugarWOD we invite you to purchase a Weekly Virtual Membership for $25. You may do that HERE. Once you start your virtual membership you will get full access to our recorded classes for the entire week. Our mission has always been to make strength and fitness available to everyone. As such, if you – like us – are in a tight spot and cannot purchase the above mentioned items then please reach out directly and we will work with you. We apologize in advance for the confusing and convoluted steps! Even if you don’t do the LIVE or recorded classes please prep the app so that you can sign up for IN-PERSON classes as soon as we open. YOGA Lunch-time Yoga is a beautiful addition to our online platform, and the 45 minute class is on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12 noon. This class continues to be offered for FREE!. Join HERE. Enjoy the weekend, and know that we look forward to seeing you soon. Beth and your team of coaches |
Memorial Day Update
Happy Sunday,
This is our 69th day of Shelter in Place. That means this C!#A&*P has been going on for over two months! We believe the end is in sight. We just don’t know exactly when…..
LIVE Boot Camp at 8AM with Coach Aly. Join HERE
LIVE CrossFit at 9AM with Coach Corey. Join HERE. Please note that we will offer a modified Murph for Memorial Day. Expect to work HARD, and for the pull-ups to be scaled.
Once we receive the green light from the county you can expect classes in the gym to resume immediately. There will be a host of new rules to follow with the aim of keeping YOU safe. First on the list will be signing-up in advance for classes. Make sure to download the Pike 13 Client App (our gym software). Use your email and username to sign in.
Our LIVE and recorded classes are popular, for which we are enormously grateful! Previous members and others in far-flung locations are getting fit and strong on our online platform. For these “virtual friends” we have created the Virtual Membership for $60 a month. We thank you in advance for your support. Your purchase makes a big difference during these uncertain times.
Lunch-time Yoga is a beautiful addition to our online platform, and the 45 minute class is on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12 noon. Recorded versions can be found on SugarWOD later the same day. Join HERE.
This Thursday at 5PM will be the last one! Attend this Zoom meet-up and learn secrets on how to loosen those intractably tight parts of your body. It’s a winner. Don’t miss the last one. Join HERE.
Make your booty strong with this three-day-per-week program. Find it in SugarWOD. This accessory program is FREE, and the three movements are meant to be superset.
Since this is Memorial Day Weekend, normally Napa would be afloat with Bottle Rock and it’s revelers. Play some music. Dance amongst yourselves. Remember to be grateful.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
May 15 Update
This is our 60th day of Shelter in Place.
We have added Yoga to our online platform, and the 45 minute noon-time class is on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Recorded versions can be found on SugarWOD later the same day. Join HERE.
We now have this great 30 minute session with Coach JC on Thursdays only at 5PM. Attend these Zoom meet-ups and learn secrets on how to loosen up intractably tight parts of your body. It’s a winner! Join HERE.
Hosted by The Intelligent Body, this two hour workshop will transform your shoulders. If they are tight from so much work at home then this is for you! Saturday, May 16 at 2.30PM. Cost is $10. Sign up HERE.
Thanks to all of you who reach out to lend support and check when we will open. Coach Mike are I are working daily on protocols to satisfy the county.You will be the first to know when we get the green light.
We just finished the second week of this three-day-per week program. Follow it and get strong on the back side! Find it in SugarWOD. This accessory program is FREE, and the three movements are meant to be superset.
8AM Boot Camp with Coach Aly – Join HERE
9AM CrossFit with ME! – Join HERE
Have some fun this weekend. Hopefully we get to see you all soon.
May 12 Update
This is our 57th day of Shelter in Place. This !*@%# is dragging on….. NEWS Coach Mike Dearborn retired two weeks ago after 30 years in the fire department. In his new spare time he developed the WCCF Covid 19 Safety Procedures & Operating Plan. We have presented those to the City of Napa, and are making progress with the County. In short, we don’t yet have an opening date, but we are on it! The gym is completely remodeled. We have filled the holes in the floor and repaired the walls. We painted, cleaned, redecorated, and this happened 90% by volunteers. Now we can’t wait to have you all over to check it out in person! We have added Yoga to our online platform. Join Katie for an all-levels Vinyasa class focused on connecting to the breath and body through invigorating sequences that leave you calm and energized. This class is on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12 noon. Yoga starts this Thursday as noon! Join HERE. Get your strong booty now! We have added the Posterior Chain Program to SugarWOD. As of May 4th you will find it on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Do this after your Boot Camp, CrossFit Class or home workout. The three movements are always superset, which is a fancy way to tell you to alternate between them. Track your weights. Do the work. Get stronger. ONLINE PLATFORM REMINDERS CrossFit Youth Class is today at 2:30PM. Join Coach Corey for 45 minutes of strength, flexibility and FUN training. This class is FREE, and kids may join HERE Monday – Friday we offer the following: -7AM Boot Camp. Join HERE -9AM CrossFit. Join HERE -5PM Sip & Stretch on Tues & Thurs with Coach JC. Join HERE -Aerial Conditioning & Flexibility For Grownups. Sundays at 5.30. Join HERE. ZOOM PW: CICF -Aerial Conditioning & Flexibility For Kids. Tuesdays at 4pm. Join HERE. ZOOM PW: CICF We LOVE the videos and pictures we have received of you working out at home. Please send more! We continue to be grateful to all who are able to keep their memberships going. Your generosity keeps the LIVE classes going, pays the coaches, and allows us to grow the online offerings. We will get through this. We know it! Beth and your team of hard working coaches |
Happy May Day,
This is our 44th day of Shelter in Place.
We have NEW things for you that we are excited to announce:
-Fiber Project. Earn MONEY for eating your fruits and veggies! Feel healthy AND walk away with prizes. May 4th-14th. Cost is $10. More info and sign-up are HERE
-CrossFit Youth Class Starts Tuesday, May 5th at 2:30PM. Join Coach Corey for 45 minutes of strength, flexibility and FUN training. This class repeats every Tuesday until further notice. Open to kids 10-18 years old. This class is FREE, and you may join HERE
-Aerial Classes & Activities Resume in May! Aerial Tea Party is tomorrow at 2.30PM and you may join HERE. Cirque-It: Conditioning & Flexibility Training for Everyone is Sundays at 5.30PM, and you may join HERE. Conditioning & Flexibility For Kids is Tuesdays at 4.30PM, and you may join HERE.
Saturdays we offer the following:
-Boot Camp at 8AM with Coach Aly. Join HERE
-CrossFit at 9AM with Coach Beth. Join HERE
-Monday – Friday we offer the following:
-7AM Boot Camp. Join HERE
-9AM CrossFit. Join HERE
-5PM Sip & Stretch on Tues & Thurs with Coach JC. Join HERE
Please note that ALL of the offerings listed above are FREE. If you have been able to keep your membership going we are grateful, and we are using those funds to pay the coaches. We love hearing from all of you, so please continue to reach out. We are living through crazy times, and staying connected to all of you feels like a lifeline.
Post Script
We neglected to include in yesterday’s update this GREAT opportunity to feel strong and loose in your shoulders. Please note this is happening today!
Shoulder Hell To Shoulder Heaven
Covid 19 At home workshops for yoga teachers, exercise instructors and committed movers. Shoulder Hell to Shoulder Heaven – Franklin Method Imagery meets Yoga & Exercise with Christa Rypins. Cost $10. Saturday May 2, 2:30-4:30 Pacific Time. Held on Zoom. Sign up HERE
In this two hour workshop you will:
~ remove the mystery from your shoulders
~ instantly become stronger in arm weighted poses
~ dramatically reduce shoulder and neck tension
~ learn anatomically accurate shoulder cueing
~ feel how the shoulders connect to the core
~ get inspired and empowered by your own shoulders
Not just for yoga instructors or coaches, Christa’s focus on the shoulders is fantastic for CrossFit, Boot Campers and Aerialists. Feel amazing in your neck and shoulders by attending this workshop. Sign up HERE.
Wishing you a blessed weekend, Beth and your team of coaches
April 21 Update
This is our 34th day of Shelter in Place.
Our Online Platform continues with LIVE classes and offerings six days a week. Monday – Friday look like this:
-7AM Boot Camp LIVE – Join HERE
-9AM CrossFit LIVE – Join HERE
-5PM Sip & Stretch on Tue & Thur -Join HERE
-5.30PM Happy Hour on Thur – Join HERE
-Zoom password is WCCF
All recorded classes are posted daily by noon on SugarWOD & Facebook. Our goal is to keep you moving regardless of your schedule.
What we ask from you:
-Send pictures of yourselves working out at home
-Return any equipment that is not being used
-Tell us how you are doing
-Reach out for support or just to say Hi!
We have spent the last 33 days remodeling the gym. Holes in the floor are patched. Walls are painted. Now we can’t wait to see you in it, working out!
We send our love and support as this crazy and uncertain time continues.
Beth and your team of coaches
April 17 Update
Happy Friday!
Today is our 30th day of Shelter in Place. We hope you have had a good week despite these unusual circumstances.
Plan for an empowered tomorrow with these LIVE classes:

-8AM Boot Camp with Coach Aly– LIVE – Join HERE
-9AM CrossFit with Coach Beth- LIVE – Join HERE
-Zoom password is WCCF
-Recorded versions are found on SugarWOD & Facebook by 12 noon.
We loved seeing those of you this week that stopped by for more equipment, or to make an exchange.
Next week: Fiber Project! Accrue points and win money for eating fruits and veggies! More info coming.
Breathe deeply. Smell the flowers. We’ll all be busy as bees in the hive before you know it!
Beth and your team of coaches
Easter Update
Hello & Happy Easter!
Today is Day 24 of Shelter in Place.
We are thinking of ALL of you, and we LOVE seeing those that attend our LIVE classes. We know the online platform is nothing like the real thing: Imbibing in the church of CrossFit. But it’s here to support you in this bizarre time. As such, we have added a Virtual Happy Hour on Thursdays at 5.30PM.

This week we up the ante on CrossFit. Tomorrow we resume Benchmark Mondays, and they come with a leaderboard. Complete the WOD with the LIVE class at 9AM or on your own. Log your score in SugarWOD, and repeat as needed to improve your score. Friday Coach Corey will shout out the top male and female athletes. Be consistently at the top of the leaderboard while we Shelter In Place and win a prize!
Find your community here:
-7AM Boot Camp – Mon-Fri LIVE Class. Join HERE
-9AM CrossFit – Mon-Sat LIVE Class. Join HERE
-5PM Sip & Stretch – Tues & Thurs. Join HERE
-Zoom password is WCCF
New This Week!
Virtual Happy Hour. See your peeps, and meet new ones. Thursday at 5.30PM. Join HERE
-As usual, if you miss the LIVE classes find the recorded versions on SugarWOD or Facebook by 12 noon each day.
Seize the Easter Bunny!
Friday, April 10 Update
Happy Friday Evening, Day 22: Shelter in Place
We hope you are doing well considering the circumstances. One thing we know from running this business, and being protectors of our community over the past 11 years, is that coming together is critical in times like these. Whatever you do, make contact. Reach out to us, jump on our private Facebook group, participate in the Zoom classes to see your gym buddies (or meet new ones), text each other, you name it! Stay connected, and keep moving. Now more than ever, community and connection are life forces. In the meantime, we’ve got the following for you:
-Thanks to everyone who purchased the Born Primitive workout apparel last weekend! Your purchase threw some much needed pennies our way.
-Our online platform is happening, and we have most of the kinks worked out. For the weekend we offer the following Saturday Classes
8AM Boot Camp with Coach Shannon, Join HERE
9AM CrossFit with Coach JC. Join HERE
-As usual, if you miss the LIVE classes find the recorded versions on SugarWOD or Facebook by 12 noon each day
-Next week we up the ante on CrossFit. We will initiate Benchmark Mondays and they come with a leaderboard. Complete the WOD with the LIVE class at 9AM or on your own. Log your score in SugarWOD, and repeat it as many times as needed during the week to improve your score. Come Friday Coach Corey will shout out our top male and female athletes. Be consistently at the top of our leaderboard while we shelter in place and win a prize at the end!
Please write info@winecountrycrossfit.com if you have any suggestions for additional offerings or service delivery during the shutdown. And as always, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support during this crazy time.
Love and good heath,
Beth and your team of coaches
Sunday, April 5 Update
Happy Sunday Evening, Day 17: Shelter in Place.
Please note the following:
Purchase workout clothes from Born Primitive before midnight tonight and WCCF gets 50%! Use RECOVERY841 at checkout.
Zoom now requires a password for ALL meetings. Use WCCF for all our online activities.
Monday-Friday LIVE Workouts:
-7AM Boot Camp. Join HERE
-9AM CrossFit. Join HERE
If you miss the LIVE classes find the recorded versions on SugarWOD or Facebook by 12 noon each day.
New This Week:
Sip & Stretch with Coach JC
When: Tuesdays & Thursdays 5:00 – 5:30PM
Details: Join JC as she demonstrates self-treatment strategies to improve mobility, relieve pain, reduce anxiety and revitalize your body from the inside out.
Needs: Foam roller, lacrosse ball, glass of wine
Stay safe. Stay healthy. Have a blessed week.
Friday, April 3 Update
Hello Friends,
Happy Friday, Day 15: Shelter in Place.
Our goal during this wild time is to support YOU, our athletes and community. We also want to still exist when Shelter In Place ends. Please read on to see how we attend both goals:
Saturday LIVE Workouts:
-8AM Boot Camp with Coach Aly LIVE
-9AM CrossFit with Coach Beth LIVE
If you miss the LIVE classes find the recorded version on SugarWOD or Facebook by 12 noon each day.
Connect with your gym buddies at our Sip & Chat tomorrow at 5PM! Yup. That’s Saturday. Grab a glass and join Coach Aly to chat about this crazy nonsense! Find the convo HERE.
Ways To Support Your Box
-Participate in At-Home CrossFit Competitions. There are two that start today. Learn more HERE
-Workout apparel company Born Primitive sends 50% of proceeds to WCCF when you use code RECOVERY841 at checkout. And their stuff is cool!
–Purchase WCCF supplements. We have well sourced, organic goodies that help you train harder and recover better. Check it out!
All your purchases help us survive, and we thank YOU in advance!
Wednesday, April 1 Update
Hello Friends!

Happy Hump Day, Day 13: Shelter in Place.
Humans stuck at home are like children, and children need a schedule! So plan your day. Include exercise and connection (virtual). We know you’ve got a LOT of choices. But we’ve got both of those covered for you here.
Exercise happens LIVE every day of the week at 7:00 and 9:00AM. Plan to attend one of our LIVE classes with the links below, or schedule the recorded version found on SugarWOD or Facebook into your day.
Connect with your gym peeps! Coach JC is offering a LIVE Kinesiology Taping Webinar Thursday (tomorrow) at 3PM. Learn to tape yourself or your pals for pain relief and performance. Sign up HERE for the FREE webinar.
Join Boot Camp Monday thru Friday LIVE at 7AM HERE.
Join CrossFit Monday thru Friday LIVE at 9AM HERE.
We will get through this, and we believe in YOU!
Sunday, March 29 Update
Happy Sunday Evening, Day 10: Shelter in Place.
We have switched our CrossFit LIVE Classes to 9AM Monday thru Saturday. It’s always the same link for access. Find it HERE.
Boot Camp Monday thru Friday LIVE is at 7AM. Join HERE. Recorded versions for both classes can be found daily in SugarWOD and on Facebook after 12 noon.
We are pleased to have a few new things for you this week:
Coach Lyndsey has started the 100 Burbee Challenge. Today is day 5, so get 15 burbees done right now, and tomorrow you do only six! Follow along in our Members Only Facebook Group. Spread those burpees throughout the day, and even count the ones you complete during your workout.
Coach JC is offering a LIVE Kinesiology Taping Webinar Thursday at 3PM. Learn to tape yourself or your pals for pain relief and performance. Sign up HERE for the FREE webinar.
We ask two things from you: First, how about some pictures of you doing the workouts at home? Second, let us know how we’re doing with the online classes, and how we can improve.
Here’s to a great week for all of us!
Friday, March 28 Update
Happy Friday Night, Day 8: Shelter in Place. Saturday morning, tomorrow, we offer you the following LIVE classes: -8AM Boot Camp with Coach Aly. Join HERE -9AM CrossFit with Coach JC. Join HERE– Also tomorrow, my twin sister Christa hosts her LIVE Anxiety Down, Well-being Up at 11AM. Join HERE to feel amazing for the day -Next week our LIVE CrossFit Classes move to 9AM Meanwhile, we hope you are finding your groove in this new reality. We love you, and we thank you for all your support! Beth and your team of coaches |
Thursday, March 27 Update
Please note the following:
-Next week our Live CrossFit Classes will move to 9AM
-SugarWOD is FREE. We pay for it so you don’t have to! Find it in the App or Play Stores. Download it. Create an account. Find our gym. Use code WCCF2018 for access. Find the recorded classes in At-Home Program each day, and also on Facebook
Tomorrow, Thursday, use the links below to get on the Live Classes.
7AM Boot Camp – Access live class HERE
8AM CrossFit – Access live class HERE
Keep moving. It’s the panacea!
Beth and your team of coaches
Wednesday, March 25 Update

Happy Wednesday. It’s the end of Day Six: Shelter in Place, for those who are counting.
Should you miss our Live Classes, to which the links are below, be sure to find the recorded versions. On SugarWOD look in the middle of your screen for Workout Of The Day. Next to these words is a small arrow. Click the arrow and find At-Home Program and the recordings! We also post them daily on Facebook.
7AM Boot Camp – Access live class HERE
8AM CrossFit – Access live class HERE
-We are building the online platform so that we have more to offer YOU, our community. In the meantime we would LOVE some pictures of you all working out at home. Will you kindly send a few our way???
Tuesday, March 24 Update

Happy Tuesday. It’s Day Five: Shelter in Place, for those who are counting.
Our tech savvy-ness is coming along, albeit far from perfect!
Please join us tomorrow through Friday for our 7AM Boot Camp and 8AM CrossFit Classes. The links below will be the same all week, and provide access to the live classes.
7AM Boot Camp – Access live class HERE
8AM CrossFit – Access live class HERE
Don’t forget, the recorded classes can be found on SugarWOD on the At Home Program Track, and on Facebook. We aim to have them ready for you each day by 12 noon.
-We are standing by you, and we thank you for your support. Your calls, texts and messages mean a LOT to us, and we thank you!
Beth and your team of coaches
Sunday, March 22 Update
Hello WCCF Members,
Happy Sunday, and happy Shelter In Place: Day Three.
Please note the following:
-Monday through Friday this week we will offer 7AM Boot Camp and 8AM CrossFit Classes. The links below will be the same all week long, and will provide access to the live classes
-7AM Boot Camp – Access live class HERE
-8AM CrossFit – Access live class HERE
-The recorded classes will be hosted on SugarWOD on the At-Home Workouts Track. Don’t have this cool app? Download it at the App Store for FREE and join our gym with code: WCCF2018. SugarWOD provides another important touch point: Log your rounds and reps, share fist-bumps, tease and egg-on your workout buddies
-Please send your friends to our blog where they can poach our classes for FREE. Visit our WCCF Members Facebook Page to enhance your life and connectedness
Once we have our online platform more dialed-in we will increase our FREE offerings. Our goal is to add VALUE and COMMUNITY to your lives despite physical separation.
Onward and upward!
-Beth and your team of coaches
Saturday, March 21 Update
WCCF Members,
We hope you all is well as we approach the end of Shelter In Place: Day Two.
Luddites are learning, and here are the recorded classes from this morning:
Boot Camp with Coach Aly – Click HERE
CrossFit with Coach Lyndsey – Click HERE
Tomorrow is Sunday and we will have no live classes. Please feel free to use one of the above links to get your sweat on in the meantime.
Thanks to Coach Lyndsey our online platform is coming along. We are still a bit rough around the edges, but ya’ll are moving and sweating. WE LOVE THAT!
Please visit our WCCF Members Facebook Page to enhance your life and connectedness.
Ya’ll rock!
-Beth and your team of coaches
Friday, March 20 Update
Hello WCCF Members,
We hope you are all breathing deeply as we approach the end of Shelter In Place: Day One.
Last night we saw 50 people come to the gym to check out equipment. Today we ran our first online classes, albeit not without technical challenges.
Our goal is for ALL our online offerings to be available to you at your convenience. AKA recorded. Today were able to offer a recorded CrossFit Class that Corey led this morning at 8AM. You will find it on SugarWOD under At-Home Workouts, and you can do it with one weight or a back pack at home. For mysterious reasons the Boot Camp class is unavailable.
But, Luddites can learn, and tomorrow we intend for the Boot Camp to be available post live class recording as well. Once we have the online platform figured out we will add additional offerings that bring us together, virtually while also enhancing our health and wellness. In the meantime, use these links for tomorrow:
Boot Camp Class – Saturday at 8AM. Join Coach Aly HERE
CrossFit Class – Saturday at 9AM. Join Coach Lyndsey HERE
These links and info can also be found on our website HERE. Our classes and knowledge base are FREE to your friends and family, so please share the links to keep everyone moving.
Stay tuned and stay strong!
-Beth and your team of coaches
Thursday – March 19 Update
We are setting up to bring the fitness, community and vitality of WCCF to you during the shut-down! Our online platform will grow as we figure this out, but to start with we offer you the following classes via Zoom:
-Boot Camp/TRX – Monday-Friday at 7AM, Saturdays at 8AM. Use this link to get into the Zoom Meeting
-CrossFit – Monday-Friday at 8AM, Saturdays at 9AM. Use this link to access the CrossFit Zoom Meeting.
For both of these classes you can join in live, or visit our blog for a link to the recording.
We send immense thanks to those of you that are able to keep your membership going during the shutdown. For those of you in the service industries, we feel your pain. We hope you will participate in our virtual community to stay fit, healthy and as balanced as possible.
Thank you for your continued support!
March 18th – 5PM Update
–Last day of classes at WCCF will be Thursday, March 19. This is TOMORROW
–Shelter In Place goes into effect on Friday, March 20. We currently plan to reopen on April 8
-Thursday from 6.30-8PM we will be open for equipment borrowing. Check out a kettlebell, a box or a dumbbell for your At-Home Workouts
-At-Home Programming is currently available on SugarWOD. If you are a current user please refresh the feed and it will appear below Workout Of The Day. To join SugarWOD download it from the App Store. Our gym code is WCCF2018
–Live classes via Zoom will start Friday. More details on that available tomorrow
-All members have the ability to place their membership on hold. PLEASE note that this is an EXTRAORDINARILY stressful time for our small business and our hourly staff. If you can afford to keep your membership live during this unprecedented crisis, we would be very grateful and it will go a long way to the gym surviving this crisis
We thank you for your continued support!
March 18th – 12 Noon Update

Wine Country CrossFit is still open. Many of our members are choosing to workout at home. But for those that want the structure of class please come in at the scheduled class times.
Napa County has yet to issue the Shelter In Place order. Until that time you can count on us! Please remember these rules: Wash your hands upon arrival. Wipe down ALL your gear and equipment. Wash your hands post WOD. Maintain your social distance.
Here’s a little doozy for those at home:
20 Minure EMOM
5-push ups
10-sit ups
15-air squats
Should you fail, the WOD then becomes an AMRAP. Good luck!
Monday March 16 – Gym Is Open
Working out is one of the best ways to stay healthy and relieve stress. Get it done at Wine Country CrossFit.

There are no reported cases of the coronavirus in Napa County. None the less, we have increased the frequency of our cleaning and hand washing.
All of our classes are running per usual. We ask that you abide by the following rules:
-wash your hands prior to class and at the close of class
-continue to wipe down your equipment
-maintain social distancing
-stay home if you have a cold or any other symptoms
Still concerned? Do a workout at home! We have a host of travel and at-home WODS on our blog here. Or try this for a little something quick and easy:
8 Rounds for Time:
10 Push-ups
10 Air Squats
10 Burpees
10 Air Squats
Whatever you do, keep moving and keep the faith!
2020 03 16