2011 05 05
I don't want to see you in the gym! There, I said it. I want you to get out of here! I want you to go home, stretch, maybe walk or jog, but I don't want you in the gym! I have a quick poll for everyone. How long has…
New T-Shirts & Scott's B-Day WOD
Just in time for the warm weather we have new long sleeved T Shirts! Better yet, they have Pukie the Clown on the back. If you're feeling bad, just think how lucky you are that you ain't him! They cost $30. The purple are the nice and sexy style for…
2011 05 04
Cope Family Day, Squats & Sprints
Saturday was Cope Family Day down on 4th and Coombs Streets. Kris set up a COOL obstacle course, and we ran 130 kids through it! The obstacle course included a balance beam that required equalibrium, hoops to jump thru that required quick foot work, benches to go up and…
2011 05 03
How to REALLY Lose Weight & Pressing Matters
All this effort we put into working out and eating Paleo, when all along there was another, more profound reason that we are so large as a nation. Just check out this email I received from a good friend: "I figured out why I have been gaining weight. The shampoo…
2011 05 02
New Wine Country CrossFit Website
We are pleased to announce the launch of our new Wine Country CrossFit website. The site was built and designed by my good friend Sammy at Search Friendly Web Design. Wine Country CrossFit classes will be starting up the week of February 23, 2009. For more information please feel free…
2009 02 12
Let's Start aNew & Overhead Squats
A new year, new ideas, new goals and resolutions. Join us on January 11, 2014 as we start the Whole Life Challenge. Be mindful of what you eat, of how you treat yourself, and watch results in all parts of your life sky rocket! Sign up NOW and invite your…
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