Deadlift: Find 1rm Sumo Speed Pulls: Using a sumo deadlift position, complete 2 deadlifts on the minute for 10 mins using 65-70% of your 1rm. The goal is to move the bar fast, the biggest mistake that can be made is to go too heavy. As time allows: 3 x…
Sue Konold in all of her Paleo Badass-ness has now taken to Paleo cooking from scratch! Forget Paleo websites and cookbooks, she is whipping up awesome recipes off the top of her head! Here is her latest delicacy, Smoky Pulled Pork Lettuce Wraps: Smoky Pulled Pork Pork butt or shoulder…
Today we have split programming: For those who do not know their 1RM, 3RM, or 5RM front squat: find 1RM front squat. For those who do know a front squat number: Good Mornings working up to a heavy set of 5. 5 Rounds: 7 Front Squats: 155/105 21 Double Unders
Did you guys know that you were members of a cult??? Read this for the good, bad and ugly, all in one spot. -Beth ___________________________________________________________________________________ Power clean work: from the floor AMRAP 8 Mins: 21 Push Ups 15 KB Swings (70/44) 9 Toes To Bar
I know that most of you know Carlos Flores by now, the one armed wonder who comes everyday to the 9AM class. He works through all the the movements and WODs with one arm. Today ALL of us at Wine Country CrossFit get to live like Carlos and complete the…
Hey you Paleo Enthusiast, come on in and sign up for the Clean-Up. February 8-March 10. Come on in anytime Tuesday or Wednesday of this week, pay your $5, and we'll take your waist and hip measurements. Remember, this is not a contest, this is a community supported nutritional activity.…
I bet a lot of you guys think that I'm just lazy and hate to shave, and thus have let my beard grow for the last few months. Well I'm here to tell you today that my beard is actually a performance enhancing tool! Turns out that people with beards…
Finally! The big name scientists are starting to come around! A big thanks to Marcia Macomberfor consistently forwarding on great articles. UCSF Scientists Declare War on Sugar in Foods -Ryan ================================================= Friday's WOD: Snatch Pulls - 7 sets of 3 at 110-125% of 1RM snatch Tabata Running rest 1 minute…
You you Hard Core CrossFitters, wanna do a fun and muddy race in April? Let's all head out to the Central Valley by Tracy, a place you never stop cuz it's in the middle of nowhere, and tackle some obstacles and get muddy together. Info is here, and Sunday April…