Do you want to see just how much you have improved since the beginning of the year? Well, we want to celebrate your gains too! Make sure to come in on Mondays to see just where you stand. We know you all love to workout. But how good of a…
Our love of meatballs continues! These yummy nuggets have shrimp mixed with ground pork, herbs and spices. They are fun to eat. They have an Asian flair. They are made by Michelle at Nom Nom Paleo. If you are a Paleo enthusiast then you must know of her work! Her…
You might have noticed that bar muscle ups have become a staple in the CossFit Open over the last 3 years. The great thing about bar muscles ups is they are attainable for much of our community. With the proper form and technique you could get your first bar muscle…
I know all you “Gym Junkies” like to go to work, head the gym, go home, and repeat that same routine the next day. Although we love seeing all of your beautiful faces in the gym everyday, we also want to share with you the amazing things that getting outside…
It's that time of year. The six week Whole Life Challenge starts Saturday. Get the summer body going NOW. It's about eating clean. And it's also about making a commitment to moving your body daily, drinking water, sleep, etc. Want more energy? Sign up HERE. Want better recovery? Sign up…
Got your pull-ups? Get 'em now! Where are you on your pull-up progression? Do you almost have them, maybe kinda some of the time? Or perhaps you're not even close. Now's the time to get them down! Attend our Pimp Your Pull-Ups Clinic and learn the progression that will get…
Don't miss it! Next Friday April 6 at 5.30PM. Find out if it's the #SexyPandas who will take the crown, or is it the #Kilophiliacs! We congratulate ALL of you for competing in The Open, or for coming out to support your friends and family. Now it's time to celebrate!…
It was short. It was fast. It was intense. Seven minutes of thrusters and chest to bar pull-ups. We also saw thrusters and jumping pull-ups. We saw some beautiful movements. We saw people dig deep. We are so proud to be your champions! Friday was also a special day for…
This was a surprising hit in our home! The fresh ginger provides a little kick, and the other spices balance well. This Chia Seed Pudding is a fun way to start the day. Try it out! Please note that this recipe serves two hearty eaters.