Sleep is a big deal! New parents focus almost exclusively on how the baby sleeps. Infants and toddlers are a drag when they skip nap time. Adults might be better at hiding it, but we need our sleep too! Sometimes getting to sleep, and staying asleep just don't come easily.…
We created this blog post back in March while doing a series on kids, nutrition and their health. Now that it's summer we see a lot of Gatorade style drinks in the gym. Read on to get the skinny on this colorful drink: We all want to do what is…
As coaches we are constantly giving cues. We always look for the right words, the subtle nuances that will communicate to you, our athletes, how to move better. We believe the devil is in the details. This week it’s: There you are, all loaded up and ready to squat. You screwed your…
A woman hears conflicting advice regarding exercising while pregnant. Ultimately, she must decide for herself, based on her needs and the needs of her baby, how and how much to exercise. I maintain that if she CrossFits prior to becoming pregnant, she can continue safely throughout her pregnancy… with modifications. …
The lost and found is piling up! Please look through this lofty pile on top of the cubbies for your missing items. Make sure to get to it this week, or at the latest on Saturday. All items will be donated on Monday. Thanks in advance for helping us keep…
Our midday class is cancelled! The 1PM Class on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays started off with a bang. People have been happy. Coaches have had fun. Everybody gets moving. But with the advent of summer class attendance has dwindled. In fact, the gym often looks like this picture instead of…
I’m big into the efficacy of CrossFit these days. I want to convince the endurance athletes – you know, the long slow distance kinda-folks – that they could get more bang from their training buck if they would just give CrossFit a try. But we all sip our own kool-aid,…
I'm always on the hunt for low fat and high protein recipes. If they are easy to take with me on the go it's even better. I'm gluten free, so I switched out the bread on this one. I love the switch from the mayo to non-fat Greek yoghurt as…
We are blessed to have a number of pregnant and postpartum women in our community. There are a LOT of misconceptions about mixing CrossFit and pregnancy. We are starting a series that we hope will dispel some of those myths. Below is installment one:
There are many ways to lose weight, and the Ketogenic Diet has proven enormously successful for lots of people. You may also know we are seeing enormous change in the gym with our Step By Step Macronutrient Coaching Program. While we don't necessarily advocate the keto diet in-house, we want…