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Wellness Takes Commitment

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It’s easy in life to just do what we “feel” like in the moment. But change happens when we decide what we are committed to. Action, then, follows that commitment.

  • Have a tough day at work so I dive into the ice cream
  • Don’t feel like going to the gym after work so I lay on the couch
  • Want to get stronger and lose weight, but can’t say no to sweets
  • I want to be able to play with my grand kids, but it’s too hard to exercise
  • I could be strong and feel good, but I’m too busy

All of these excuses are things we tell ourselves, often daily. But if we look deeper into our commitments then we can take baby steps toward change.

So let’s turn those examples above on their heads.

  • A person committed to their wellness might handle the stress of work by working out instead of eating a pint of ice cream
  • The woman who is tired after work will do something active instead of sinking into the couch
  • The young man committed to building strength and losing weight will say no to sweets and yes to healthy carbs
  • The grandparent will find a way to get stronger so they can play with the kids

What separates us from the animal kingdom is choice: We are in the privileged position to choose how we will live. It comes down to commitment.

Ask yourself: What are you committed to?