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The Open, Puppy Needs Home & Thrusters

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Register for The Open and Have the time of your life!


We will hold Open Hours every Friday at 10AM and 6.30PM. We will also hold Open Hours on the weekend as needed. Coach Eric Javar is available as needed to come in and judge. In addition, if you are dissatisfied with your time or performance, you are free to come in on the weekend and do it over again. Eric has generously offered his time to help us all reach our personal bests. You may contact Eric directly at 707-815-3612 with questions or concerns.


Please RSVP  so that we know who is signed up, and who we will see.




A very cute little Tibetan Terrier named Zoe is looking for a new home. Having a puppy is too much for her current owner, who is a “nice old lady.” Zoe is the same kind of dog as Panda, Coach Emilie’s dog who is at the gym most days. These critters cost quite a bit, and Donna is letting her go to the right home for $300.  For more info please call Donna at 707-888-7449.




Thursday’s WOD


Thruster:  Find 3RM
AMRAP 8 Mins:
200m Run
5 Thrusters (135/95)


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