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Becoming A Supple Leopard, High Bar Back Squat & Shoulder Press

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Kelly Starrett’s New Book is a MUST Read for CrossFitters. Becoming A Supple Leopard Rules!


Do you have tightness in your body that inhibits your ability to find certain positions? Are you a Supple Leopard? If you Supple Leopardare a CrossFitter, the answer is most likely YES? Kelly Starrett is the owner of SF CrossFit, and also the founder of His new book is a lucid consolidation of 360 blog posts, and a MUST read  for EVERY CrossFitter. But you can’t just sit on the couch to grok his message; you actually get to lay on the floor or any other such fun position, and try all the mobility tricks on for size.


Daily Health Post says ” With nearly two months in Amazon’s top 100 fitness bestsellers, Becoming a Supple Leopard is unique to the category in that it has garnered only five-star reviews. Written by a physical therapist, this book helps readers to understand how they can minimize pain and maximize effects of exercise with body-focused techniques. Readers call the book “a must-have.”


Sticker price is $59.95, but I found it on for $32. It will be the best $32 you have spent in a LONG time. Seem steep for a book right now? Just imagine the missed time in the gym and inconvenience in your life due to injury that you won’t have to endure! Buy NOW.


I have put in a request for Kelly to come to Napa and deliver his MobilityWod Seminar in our gym. We don’t yet have a confirmed date, but I know he’ll sign your book while here.


Here’s to your supple and strong body,



High Bar Back Squat – Warm up to 75% of 1 RM Back Squat (if no 1 RM High Bar Back Squat, do ascending sets of 5 until you find a heavy weight)
Perform 3 Sets of 5 Back Squats at 75% 1 RM

Shoulder Press – Warm up to 75% of 1 RM Press (if no 1 RM Press, do ascending sets of 5 until you find a heavy weight)
Perform 3 Sets of 5 Presses at 75% of 1 RM


3 Sets of Max effort Hollow Position Hold – as low as you can go with arms and legs (up to 1 minute each, rest 30 sec between efforts)

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