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CrossFit Games & Sumo Deadlifting

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We have just returned from the CrossFit Games which was inspiring and exciting and busy and hot. I’ve never been in a crowd with so many fit people, and I’ve never had so much fun being a spectator at so many athletic events. The coordination and athletic prowess we witnessed over the last five days was jaw dropping. The Masters, the Teens, the Teams and the Individual Athletes dig deep and demonstrate so much heart that as a spectator I feel the thrill of their victory and the sorrow of their losses. It was a privilege to be there. We also picked up some unique torture devices that you will soon be forced to move around the gym so get ready for fun!

Get out there with your Sumo Deadlifting today and channel your inner competitor. Stay safe in the lift and remember to have perfect form–if Katrin Davidsdottir can do it after 4 grueling days of competition you can too!



sumo deadliftMonday’s WOD

Sumo Deadlift


12 minutes AMRAP

12 Kettlebell Swings
9 Dumbbell Man-Makers
(push-up, row right, row left, power clean, push press)
6 Toes to Bar

Athletes choose weights so that you can keep moving fast the entire 12 minutes.

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