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Celebrate Coach of the Year, Strong Like Bull!

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Hey folks,


On April 22, 2-4.30 we’re combining forces with (more about them later) and The Courage Center to celebrate the recognition of Coach of the Year. What’s all this,  you say???


April is National Sexual Assault Awareness Month, which means there are media, virtual and literal events happening across the country designed to heighten awareness about sexual assault. We all know that sexual assault is more than theory, that it happens all around us, and this particular event we are hosting is all about acknowledging a coach that has gone beyond the call of duty to work with kids, and maybe even stand up for kids under adverse conditions. Not sure what all this means? Just consider Joe Paterno at Penn State, and how he looked the other way for so long. Imagine the difference he could have made in so many kids’ lives had he demonstrated the courage to speak up about what was happening around him.


Your action steps to participation:

-Nominate a coach that you know, who works with kids, in school or in after-school programs, that you think is outstanding. You can do this in our gym. There is a yellow sheet by the door awaiting your nomination.

-Attend our Coach of the Year Recognition Ceremony that will be held at OUR gym 852 Jackson St –  on April 22, 2-4.30PM. We will have food trucks on the corner, music, a workout of the day, and a cool ceremony to recognize the Coach of the Year.


What is anyway? They are the courageous and compassionate people who are the nurse examiners and the response team that take care of victims in the case of sexual assault. The Courage Center is now the national gold standard for how children are treated when there is suspicion of sexual assault.

Thanks in advance for your support, and please mark your calendar for this important event!



Press:  Find 1RM, reduce weight to 80-85% and perform 3 sets of 5

3 sets of max reps:
Strict Pull Ups
Ring dips
(not for time, but proceed directly from pull ups to dips.  Rest after dips)

As time allows:  Ab work of athlete’s choice

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