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CrossFit? Or a Seisure?

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For some reason this week, I have been knee deep in CrossFitter self deprecation humor.  I find this stuff hilarious!  Consider what we do day in and day out, and there is a lot to be made fun of.  Here is what I would consider so far to be the best of the best.  If you have been a part of the larger CrossFit community for a bit, I think you’ll agree.  If some of the stuff goes over your head, keep it in mind.  It will all make sense soon enough.  A big thank you to Taylor Bartolucci DeGulio for sending this to me!



Friday’s WOD…. YES!  GET SOME!  3, 2, 1…GO! (haha)

Power Snatch Work (from floor)

7 Rounds:
7 Power Snatches (95/65)
7 Box Jumps (30/24″)

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