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Mobility, Flexibility and Snatches

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What with the holidays well behind us, and our New Year’s intentions set, I am seeing more and more of you coming to classes – HOOORAY!!!

This, of course, means that many of you are increasing the intensity of your workout regime – whether it be increasing your frequency, speed or load. What a great way to kick off the new year!

That being said, I encourage you all to also commit to increasing the intensity of your mobility and flexibility work – it truly is as important as the work you do in class!

You can accomplish this in many ways, and here are a few ideas:

  1. Read the blog so you know what to expect, and then come to class 10-15 minutes early so that you can work on those particular areas before class starts
  2. Include a flexibility/stretching workout in your week – this can be something as simple as including all the stretches you’ve learned from WCCF into a 20 minute stretching session at home, or as committed as attending a yoga class
  3. Visit – this website is an INCREDIBLE resource for us tight, squeaky CrossFitters! If you haven’t heard of it, check it out. If you have, but haven’t visited it in awhile, CHECK IT OUT! 🙂 You can do the WOD of the day, or you can scan through the many other WODs until you find something that speaks to you personally.

So, these are some ideas, but feel free to come up with your own. If you have a suggestion, include it in the comments section so that we can share with everyone! I guarantee that if you commit to mobility and flexibity as much as you do to your workout, you will see and feel improvements in your body and in your form!

Happy stretching!



Tuesday’s WOD:

Snatch:  Find 1rm

Snatch High Pull: 5×3 at 110-120% of 1rm snatch

Snatch grip deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 starting at 150% of 1rm snatch

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