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BIA Test, & The Great Cholesterol Question

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For those that missed out on the BIA testing on Tuesday night due to technical trouble you now have two more times to get ‘er done.

Friday October 14 from 4-5PM
Monday October 10 from 7-8PM

Both testing sessions will be held at the gym, and please be sure to
follow the guidelines below:

1. Do not eat for 4 hours prior to testing.
2. Do not exercise for 12 hours prior to testing.
3. Do not consume alcohol for 24 hours prior to testing.
4. Drink at least 1 quart of water one hour before your test.
5. Do not drink caffeine the day of your test.
6. Do not wear pantyhose.
7. Do not put lotion on your hands and feet


When people hear about Paleo, one of the first things that we hear questioned is “what about all of the cholesterol?” I can sit here and write you a long and convoluted round about blog post about how cholesterol isn’t really the problem and inflammation is, but instead, I’m going to let Robb Wolf explain.  Below you will find a link to a recent podcast.  The part talking about cholesterol starts at 8:18.  When you get to the page, scroll down about 1/3 of the way through the page and find a “play” (little arrow) button.  If you click that button, the podcast will play for you.  If you have problems getting it to work, let me know.

The Paleo Solution Podcast Episode 99



Friday’s WOD:

Snatch work, find 1RM

Every Minute on the minute for 15 Mins:
2 Power snatches
10 Double Unders

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