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Double Unders and Skill Transfer (This is Required Watching!)

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This is so profound it is ridiculous!  I don’t want to see any more BS with your double unders!  Jump tall and point those toes at the floor!

Mobility WOD: The Double Under and Olympic Lifting Skill Transfer



Friday’s WOD:

Snatch work (from floor, full squat)

7 Rounds:
7 Power Snatches (95/65)
7 Box Jumps (30/24)
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Comments: 1

  1. Thanks for this post Ryan. I had quite a bit of trouble with double unders at first, and Emilie noticed my “donkey kick” and reminded me to “jump like a ballerina”. Efficiency of movement works! The rope is only 1/8″ or so and a little more clearance than that in the jump will get it under. The new ropes are awesome and spin fast. I’m still a long way off, but I can now double every other jump pretty consistently. Believe it or not, having a sprained ankle also helped. While getting back into jumping when it healed enough, I was cautious, and didn’t jump too high…and viola…the truth in how good things can sometimes come from bad things happening made sense and that tiny efficient movement was just enough.
    I had a music teacher once upon a time who told me, “practice doesn’t make perfect, it only makes consistent. If you practice incorrectly, you will be consistently incorrect!”
    Getting into a bad movement pattern can foul a lot of things. While nursing the same sprained ankle, I noticed that favoring my “good” side over the injured side caused other aches and pains I can stand to do without.
    As Beth has always reminded me, engage first, move second. If all I’m doing is picking up something off the floor or bending over to take a load of laundry out, I engage first and move second. Awareness of the movement is SO important and I never realized how much of those aches and pains from everyday life come from not being aware of how your body moves and not engaging the correct muscles for the movement can wreak havoc.
    Thanks Wine Country Crossfit for teaching an old dog new tricks! 🙂

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