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Smash Your Shoulder Before Your Pull-ups!

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Many of you have seen the interesting and varied ways I manage to integrate mobility work into my own workouts – as well as the interesting faces I make and words I say! As someone who is flexible and yet SUPER tight, I can NOT go into a workout without mobilizing my body. And one of the best sources for these crazy mobility ideas is from Kelly Starrett at San Francisco CrossFit and

Today we’re going to work on our strict pull-ups, and I have a couple of videos that I’d LOVE for you all to watch – you know you have the time (especially since you opted not to click on that kitten video earlier). The two-parter is a discussion between Kelly and Carl Paoli at about hand grip and shoulder stability in the pull-up, and the shoulder smash drill is one of my absolute FAVORITE ways of opening up my shoulders for pull-ups and other overhead movements.

Take some time to view these videos, and I better see you all spending the 5-10 minutes that you arrive early to class tomorrow by working the shoulder smash!

I wanna see some lithe and greased shoulders today!



Tuesday’s Workout:

5 sets of maximum rep** strict pull-ups (no kipping!)
Rest one minute between sets

**Aim for 5-10 reps. Choose a band or weight that targets this rep scheme

20 min AMRAP
200 m Row
15 KB Swings (70/44)
20 Walking lunges with Wall Ball Pressed Overhead
25 Wall Ball (20/14)

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