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Seeking Coaches and Amanda

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Are you or is someone you know interested in becoming a Wine Country CrossFit Coach? Do you like moving, and the idea of helping others to move? We are actively seeking athletic and motivated people people who want to build a career as a coach. Our thorough Coaching Internship Program teaches you how to teach, how to cue movements, and how to work with individuals and groups of all sizes.

Interested parties are encouraged to send a cover letter and resume to



Friday’s WOD

Muscle-up Work:

10 minutes to work on:
-Max rep muscle-up (add weight if you have a muscle-up or find an ultimate effort scaled version)

10 Minutes to practice a working scaled version:
-Strict, Kipping, Jumping, Toe-Touch, Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups+Dips
-Once found, then perform 2 Sets of max reps of MU (rest 2-3 minutes between sets)


Snatches (132/95)

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