News and HBBS
- Our CrossFit Kids programs will resume on September 9th. For more information and to sign up go here
- Please calendar in our Friday 7-9AM Level II class
- We continue to offer Pilates on Friday at 4PM
- Due to scheduling challenges our Open Gym on Saturday will only be one hour, from 10-11AM
- Also do to the same challenges our Free Intro Class on Saturday is cancelled
- Labor Day Schedule of classes is 9 and 10AM
Rock on!
Thursday’s WOD
High Bar Back Squat
-warm up to 70%+5-10# of 1RM, them perform 6×6 at 70%+5-10#, rest 60 seconds between sets
AMRAP 12 minutes
3 wall walks
30 step walking lunge with bar in front rack position, (95/65)
30 situps
2013 08 28