Nat Geo Goes Paleo, Push Press – 1 Rep Max

In my life as an adventurer the National Geographic yellow magazine held special allure. If they covered one of our adventures, or even ventured into an area of our interest, we knew our legitimacy was established. My Adventure life is far behind me, but Nat Geo still catches my attention. This month they did a great story on Paleo. Read it here. It is covered in their usual thorough and interesting style.
I know Paleo is for me as I feel like dog do-do when I stray too far away. But that’s not so for everyone. Check out how donuts gave Nicole Capruso abs and an 80KG snatch right here.
Wednesday’s WOD
Find 1Rep Max Push Press
10 minute EMOM
5 Pull ups
5 Box jump 30/24”
Cash Out: Hollow Hold 3 x .30
2014 09 02