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Let’s Talk About Richard

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We talked this week in our Tuesday Facebook Live about what RX really means in CrossFit. There were many aspects to our dynamic discussion, and you can check it out here.

One of the things that came up in conversation was Richard Harrison. He’s 71 years old, and he’s a beast. Just last week he added 30 pounds to his deadlift, and now it’s well over 300#. One of his tactics to improving the deadlift was strengthening around his shoulder blades. He knew that if he could hold his upper back solid while he pulled the bar off the ground that his numbers would go up. That’s exactly what happened.

Richard is consistent in his CrossFit routine, and he is extra consistent with his mobility. He works on it daily for an hour.

Last year we did a short video on Richard, and it’s time to air it again. Thanks Richard for inspiring all of us!