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Let's Start aNew & Overhead Squats

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A new year, new ideas, new goals and resolutions. Join us on January 11, 2014 as we start the Whole Life Challenge. Be mindful of what you eat, of how you treat yourself, and watch results in all parts of your life sky rocket! Sign up NOW and invite your friends so that you have accountability on all sides.












Thursday’s WOD 


Overhead and Front Squats – work up to a weight that is medium-hard for overhead squats and medium-easy for Front Squats, then perform:

5 x 2 Overhead Squats followed immediately by + 3 Front Squats*

*you may re-rack the bar between squat types, but do not allow too much rest

WOD: 10 minute AMRAP

20 Sit-ups
10 Box Jumps
5 Hand-stand Push-ups (sub wall walks or push-ups)

OPTIONAL Cash-Out: 50 Burpee Broad-Jumps for DISTANCE (jump as far as you can each time, using the mats (6′ long) to calculate your distance.

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