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Do You Know Your Fellow CrossFitters' Names? And Strength Day…..

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When I first started coaching CrossFit, one of my biggest fears was having to remember everyone’s names! I’ve never been great at that, and was terrified that I would call someone by the wrong name, or forget it all together! Over the last three years of coaching, however, that fear has proven to be unfounded, and now remembering names is usually a piece of cake!

Now, coaching CrossFit is my job, and I feel like I do my job better when I can look you in the eye and call you by your first name, but why am I bringing this up to you members and athletes? Well, it’s because our little Wine Country CrossFit is a community, not just a gym, and if we’re going to be sweating, panting, dripping and heaving next to each other, it would be great if we could actually have introduced ourselves to our fellow crossfitters. When you take that little step towards acquaintanceship and friendship, you’ve just added another reason to keep coming to classes and work hard!

But what I see so often is that unless your coach MAKES you do it, most of you will NEVER introduce yourselves to your fellow crossfitter. Now, I could understand this in a group of people who don’t do CrossFit, but for the love of the lord, people, YOU ARE CROSSFITTERS!!! You will jump on a pull-up bar or a high box, turn yourself upside-down on rings or your hands, max out on a deadlift or a back squat, but you are can’t get up to gumption to introduce yourself to your neighbor? I call shenanigans on this one….. You’re telling me that it’s really just too much to turn to your right or left, smile, shake hands, say hello and exchange names? Bull****.

Here’s my wish. It is that one day, long in the future I’m sure, when the hour starts and I begin my coaching, that the questions I usually ask 1) “did everyone sign in” and 2) “do you all know each other/did yo shake hands and introduce yourselves to your fellow crossfitter” will be answered by a resounding, even deafening, YES, EMILIE, WE DID!!!! Maybe it will even happen like in the photo below….


Hey, a girl can dream, can’t she?



Monday’s Workout

High Bar Back Squat – Work up to 75-85% of your 1 RM*, then perform 5 sets of 5 reps at that weight – rest 1 minute between sets

Shoulder Press – Work up to 75-85% of your 1 RM*, then perform 5 sets of 5 reps at that weight – rest 1 minute between sets

*Weight should be enough that the last rep of 5 is difficult each time, and REALLY hard to complete for the last set. If you were here last week and were able to complete all 5 reps of all 5 sets with no difficulty, add 5-10# for your Back Squat, and 2.5-5# to your Shoulder Press. (See 1/8 for previous 1 RM)

GHD** Back Extensions – 3 Sets of 10 to 20 reps

**Sub anchored back extensions or super mans


3 Rounds
18 Deadlifts @ 30% 1 RM
18 Walking Lunges with Plate Overhead (45/25)
18 Kettlebell Swings


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