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Creatine, HBBS and Double Tabata

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When I was on the US Women’s Whitewater Team I took creatine during training and racing cycles, and I always found is to be a great support for building strength. But when I started a family and stopped racing I forgot about it. It recently resurfaced on my radar screen not only as a viable support vehicle for exercise, but as a recovery and ani-aging agent. As an aging athlete who is always sore, this caught my attention! For more info read this and this. I was recently gifted a hefty supply of creatine, so if you want to try it out give me a shout and I’ll share with you.





Thursday’s WOD



-Warm up to 80% of 1 RM, then perform
-6 Sets of 4 Reps – rest 2 min between sets

-Double Tabata
-Broad Jumps
-Burpee Box Jumps

Back Extensions on GHD/Supermans – 3 Sets of 10 Reps

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