We are doing a lot of weight lifting these days. It's important in every single lift that you tighten up that torso before you even approach the bar. An unstable or loose core can lead to all sorts of trouble! When your spine is under load, like when you lift…
Have you hit a mental block on your snatch? What if I told you about an exercise that could help you hurdle that block without lifting a finger, that you can do it anywhere and anytime of the day. Would you believe me? As you have experienced, the snatch is…
Do you want to see just how much you have improved since the beginning of the year? Well, we want to celebrate your gains too! Make sure to come in on Mondays to see just where you stand. We know you all love to workout. But how good of a…
Our love of meatballs continues! These yummy nuggets have shrimp mixed with ground pork, herbs and spices. They are fun to eat. They have an Asian flair. They are made by Michelle at Nom Nom Paleo. If you are a Paleo enthusiast then you must know of her work! Her…
I know all you “Gym Junkies” like to go to work, head the gym, go home, and repeat that same routine the next day. Although we love seeing all of your beautiful faces in the gym everyday, we also want to share with you the amazing things that getting outside…
Remember when WCCF offered a Boxing Class early in the mornings? Our boxing coach Don Mohammed had to end the class last year in order to have his second and very serious knee surgery. The procedure was a success, and he's back at it. For those that don't know Don,…
Wine Country CrossFit is the coolest place in Napa to WOD! There are people or all size and shape who work hard in our midst. In fact their tenacity is something to write home about. Oh yea, and did we mention that folks of all ages train here? From seven…
It's that time of year. The six week Whole Life Challenge starts Saturday. Get the summer body going NOW. It's about eating clean. And it's also about making a commitment to moving your body daily, drinking water, sleep, etc. Want more energy? Sign up HERE. Want better recovery? Sign up…
It happened on Friday night! We recapped The Open. We celebrated with champagne and cake. We watched a slide show of ourselves in action. We uncovered the House Cup Winner: The Kilophiliacs take the cup for 2018. A T-shirt with all their names was hoisted. The Sexy Pandas lent their…