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Get Mobile, Xfit Games Tix, My Story & Power Snatch

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Image result for mobility wod xfit games tixMobility Seminar

It’s time to sign up for the Mobility WOD Seminar on June 7th! This is YOUR OPPORTUNITY to figure out how to get in those tight spots and create a supple life for yourself. It’s a REALLY good investment of your time and $. Sign up here.




Xfit Games Tix

We have two Gold tickets left to the sold out Crossfit Games, July 21-27! Who is going to snag them? One Gold ticket is $275 (but you can separate them out by day if you cannot attend a specific day and you want to pass it to a friend).

xfit games tix

These XF Games tix gain access to the coveted assigned seats in the tennis stadium and soccer stadium for the main events and finals on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, but the tickets are also good for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday’s events. The vendor village alone is worth the trip to LA – tons of Crossfit, Paleo and Body Hacking vendors are selling everything from CF gear, to protein powders and paleo food packs. There are live demos, giveaways and paleo food trucks. The crowds are friendly and it’s great for the whole family.  It is the fittest spectator crowd on earth! You will see all the big CF stars up close and cheer them on! Catch the earlier days to watch the Masters and the Teens battle for the glory, and stay for the finals to see who will be crowned Fittest Man and Woman on Earth. Speak to Beth to confirm your purchase.

Beth’s Story
US Women's Whitewater team at International Championships on the Futalefu River in southern Chile. US Woman came in 2nd Place overall in the world.
US Women’s Whitewater team at International Championships on the Futalefu River in southern Chile. US Woman came in 2nd Place overall in the world.

I was on the US Women’s Whitewater Team for five years, and we are two-time Whitewater World Champions. We made it to the World Championships four times, but we only won twice. We know that if we had CrossFit as our training tool back then we would be four-time champions. Alas, our titles are from the late 90’s and this was a lifetime ago. But our team is racing again, and this time it’s Outrigger Paddling. We’ve each been working out on our own, and we get together for the odd training camp. Our first race is next weekend in Monterey Bay, and we are so excited to be able to paddle again! Our goal is to stay strong and consistent for the 90 minute race. And to stay upright. If all goes as planned the culmination of our reunion will be a 7 hour race in HI in September. But for now we just take one step at a time. Wish us luck!


Thursday’s WOD

Power Snatch Practice
2-2-2-2 with 2 second pause at Postion 2. Two is the magic number today!

5 rounds
5 Full Squat Snatches 115/75
10 Chest to Bar Pull ups
15 V-ups

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