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Will CrossFit Make Me Bulky?

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“Will lifting these weights make me bulky?” As a woman trainer I typically get this question from  women interested in trying CrossFit.

I don’t think there is anything negative with being “bulky”, but society has dictated that women are more masculine if they carry muscle. I see it as a product of extreme dedication and a whole lot of hard work. Nonetheless, here are three reasons why you won’t one day wake up with bulky muscles from CrossFit:

  1. Women physically do not produce the amount of testosterone they would need to gain bulky muscle at a fast rate. Men gain muscle much easier than women for this very reason. They naturally produce more testosterone.
  2. The amount of weight training it would take, and amount of time required, to produce bulky muscle is far more than a typical training regimen. In fact it can take years to build muscle mass!
  3. What you eat determines your results. With muscle gain, just like weight loss, your diet plays a vital role. The amount of calories you would have to consume to get bulky and maintain that muscle is a mountain of food! 

Is fear of muscle gain holding you back from trying CrossFit?  Most of us just lean out and build long and sinewy muscles. That will probably happen to you too. Best of all, you’ll feel amazing. So go ahead and try it out with our Free Intro Class right HERE. There’s no obligation, and you will know after an hour with us if CrossFit is the right step for you.