Why The CrossFit Open, Back Squats & Helena
The CrossFit Open season is upon us. It will start on February 26th, and run for the next five weeks. For the first time ever there will be a scaled option offered to the mere mortals among us. We invite you to sign up here. Be sure to register under Wine Country CrossFit.
Not yet sure if The CrossFit Open is for you? Watch this for inspiration:
Still not convinced that you can do this? This is what Coach Hilary has to say about why she LOVES The CrossFit Open, and why you should do it:
The first time I signed up for the Open a few years ago, I was very nervous, and had to be persuaded by my coach and a few friends at the Box to do it. As a new CrossFitter I was eager, but still hadn’t mastered double unders, couldn’t get a pull up, and had only just started to understand the difference between a Clean and a Snatch! I am so glad that I did sign up, and I would encourage EVERYONE to do so, no matter where you are in your CrossFit experience. It’s the ultimate bonding experience, not just at WCCF, but it will connect you with any Crossfitter you meet, anywhere you go. It is Crossfit at its best. Every week for four weeks, there is one workout that the entire CrossFit world will do. Once the WOD is announced, we will all strategize how to conquer it, we will suffer through it, we will cheer each other on, and live to tell the tale and be stronger for it! Imagine, doing the same workout as CrossFit deities, Rich Froning and Camille Leblanc! (Yes, ok they will do it a lot faster than you, but who cares?!) You can then compare your score against your friend or college roommate who now lives in Florida, or your sister in Colorado, or your newly CrossFitting mom. Every year, the Open pushes us to do something we didn’t think we could do. I got my first pull-up during an Open workout, and many PRs take place during Open workouts. The Open is the ultimate benchmark, and for four weeks, the CrossFit world will be focused on this community building event. This year, for the first time, they are offering an official scaled version of the workouts, to make it even more accessible for everyone. Sign up, compete, and be part of the greatest and strongest community on earth!
Sign up HERE!
Thursday’s WOD
Back Squats
Start @ 80% of 1RM Back Squat. Linear progression. Target 5# increase per week.
WOD – “Helena”
6 Rounds
200 m run
11 KB Swings (53/35)
6 Pull-ups
20 Reps of Each
Wall Balls
Air Squats
Box Jumps
2015 02 04