Where's The Beef? It Will Come To You!
Dave Power, from 6am, just informed me about a new option for grass fed beef. He has been purchasing beef from Richard’s Grassfed Beef for the last year or so. What is really awesome is that Dave has put in a bunch of legwork and you get the chance to reap the benefit. When Dave started purchasing from Richards Grassfed Beef, he was having to drive all the way up to Orland to pick up his orders. During this time, he was enjoying the beef so much that he started telling his friends a coworkers about it, and subsequently, they wanted some of the great beef that he was so enthusiastic about. A couple of friends turned into a few more, and a few more until Richards decided that they needed to offer delivery in Napa. Beef at your doorstep!
In the past we have done some group buys of beef that have worked quite well, but always required a drive to Santa Rosa to pick up the beef after processing. This provides a great opportunity to take the drive out.
If you are interested in getting some fantastic grass fed beef (grass finished as well) you can contact Thomas Richards at 415-637-7756, or thr5@richardsgrassfedbeef.com.
Monday’s WOD:
Not For Time:
3 Rounds:
Max Reps Strict Pull Ups
Max Time Handstand Hold against wall
Max Time L-Hang or L-Sit
Sub Maximal Back Extensions (not hip extensions)
Complete 5 rounds:
Max Push Ups
Sprint to telephone pole
*Make sure to begin sprint from push up position. So once you finish your last push up, start the sprint from the push up or prone position.
*The rest & recovery for this workout is the walk back to your starting position.
2013 03 17