Top Ten Ways to Spice Up Your Dinner (or Breakfast!) Table….
I am not much of a cook – I’ll admit that I’m a bit intimidated by trying to put something tasty and delicious together that is also Paleo-friendly, and won’t take all day! I’m a kind-of “throw it in the oven” girl myself – lots of one-pot meals and roasting things for long periods while I’m away at the gym helping to make sure you all are hungry for your dinners!
One element of cooking that does NOT frighten me, however, is using my spice rack! I know that I can easily turn a humdrum meal into something much more appetizing with a few judicious dashes of this, and a pinch of that. And the coolest thing about it is that those spices are actually a really great way to help improve not just the flavor, but the nutritional and/or healthful value of your meal! Mark Sisson, of Mark’s Daily Apple, recently posted about this very topic, and I wanted to share it with you. Post to the comments section any thoughts – or spices – that come to mind after reading! Enjoy!
Click here for the post.
Tuesday’s WOD:
Good Morning, find 3rm (see Jan 2)
4 Rounds:
400M Run
20 GHD Situps
20 Good Mornings
2013 02 25