Team Open Invitation, 1 Rep Max Front Squat
We are starting Team Open, and we invite YOU to participate.
Team Open will meet once a week in December, on Tuesdays at 5PM. Participation in Team Open will prepare you mentally and physically to compete in the CrossFit Open Workouts which start in late February. FYI, The Open is an international playing field in which people all over the world register and complete five workouts over a five week period. Those that finish in the top 60 in their region advance to The Regional CrossFit Competition. It is a GREAT experience for ALL athletes as it ups the ante for everyone.
Is this for ME you might ask yourself? The answer is YES if you LOVE CrossFit, if you can do some movements as scaled, you love to work hard and want to fill in those weaknesses.
Convinced this is for you? Sign up on the board in the gym and show up next Tuesday night at 5PM. Convinced this is for you but can’t make the first class next Tuesday at 5? Sign up on the board in the gym, and indicate your preferred class time going forward. Our December Team Open Training will be once a week, on Tuesday’s at 5PM. In the New Year we intend to add other times. Team Open will be coached by Coaches Richie Perez and Katelyn Estudillo.
Thursday’s WOD
Front Squat – Find 1 Rep Max
Alternating EMOM for 12:00
Even: 12 6? Target Burpees
Odd: 15 Wall Balls 20/14#
2014 12 03