Take Home Paleo & Squats!
Aaron Hodge is the quiet guy working hard in the back of the gym that you might have noticed doing every workout as prescribed plus. Not only is he a very respectable CrossFitter, but he is also a chef! He lives in New York City, but is here in the Napa Valley doing a farm to table program at the CIA. He is with us through the 21st of July, and while here he is offering Take Home Paleo meals. Simply go to his website, choose the meal you would like, and HE DOES THE COOKING! Take Home Paleo is fresh, convenient, healthy and YOURS!. Give it a try.
Thursday’s WOD
5 sets of 4/8 FS/BS at 94% of Tuesday’s Working Weight.
AMRAP 8 Minutes
10 Deadlift (225/155)
15 Wall Ball (20/14)
200 Run
Cash Out: Couch Stretch. 3 minutes each side
2014 07 02