Symbols of Love, Clean Pulls and Double-WOD
Deviled Eggs are symbols of love. I’m convinced that when you are hungry and need a paleo snack, what is better than a deviled egg? Everyone loves them. They always run out first, and they are good for ya!
Non Paleo people tell me to stop eating so many eggs, that it will sky-rocket my cholesterol. But I’m convinced that we can eat as many eggs as we want, STILL lower the cholesterol and triglycerides and blood pressure, if we eliminate the other foods that are the root cause of inflammation.
Current Paleo Challenger Ted Henry recently lowered his cholesterol from 260 to 195, and his triglycerides from 375 to am amazing 55. Former Challenger Matt Calcutt lowered his cholesterol 43 points in 45 days, and he ate at least 6 eggs per day.
Moral of the story: Deviled eggs are symbols of love, good and good for you!
Thursday’s WOD
Skill Work: Clean Pulls
Work from Position 3, focus on dynamic hip-opening followed by the shrug and pull
Find 1 RM
Double WOD:
6 Minute AMRAP
5 Burpees
5 Clean & Jerk @ 165lbs/105lbs (or 60% of C&J 1RM)
Rest 5 Mins
10 Dead lifts @ 185lbs/135lbs (or 50% of Deadlift 1RM)
10 Box Jumps @ 24″/20″ (Jump-up, Step down)
2013 05 29