Squatober Report, Interval Training, Clean & Jerk
Squatober on Saturday was heaps of fun! PR’s were had all around. Folks got cool T Shirts, and we had winners! Both the 9AM and 10AM classes participated. We will have another fun event like this around the holidays with more fun for all. For Jews and Gentiles alike, this cool event will happen on Dec 5. We’ll provide a sign up for it soon!
Wednesday’s WOD took folks 2.30-4.30 minutes per round, and they got a 1-minute rest between each of 6 rounds. Today the rounds will take between 1.15 to 2.00 minutes, and the rest is 90 seconds. Why the interval training? The idea is that we work HARD, and then force ourselves to recover quickly. They say at the Mayo Clinic it burns more fat, keeps boredom at bay, and makes you fit faster! Today’s shorter rest takes what you did yesterday and builds upon it. So give it your all in the working periods, and breathe deeply during the rest.
Thursday’s WOD
Clean & Jerk
Technique work going AHAP
7 rounds for total working time of
12 Wall Balls 20/14#
9 Pullups
6 Hang Power Clean & Jerk (135/95)
Rest 90 second between rounds
2015 10 28