Social Save The Date, Snatch & Clean and Tabata Squats
Party With Your CrossFit Buddies On August 17th
Speaking of Social Club, our Social Ambassador Jason Moore is hosting a Harvest Party for his winery that he calls a Paleolithic Explosion! Also called the Red Wine and Carnage event, he “will offer a specialty cocktail created by a master mixologist using Modus sauv blanc, a big pig stuffed with pig roasted on a spit, Texas brisket, bacon, boccie, bacon, grilled chicken, bacon, DJ spinning chill music, bacon, sausage, bacon, gourmet s’mores, bacon, and other meaty treats… and of course an endless supply of our new vintage wine.”
Wait, did he say Bacon??? Please save the date now, and when we get closer I’ll get you the discount code so you can join the incredible fun and save $! For more info visit
Wednesday’s WOD
Snatch – High-hang to Full Squat – 15 Minutes to Find 1 RM
Clean – High-hang to Full Squat – 15 Minutes to Find 1 RM
WOD: Tabata Air Squats (Score is from round with the LOWEST number of air squats)
2013 07 16