Kill Clif Thrives & Snatch Pulls
Kill Clif is taking the CrossFit recovery world by storm, and we can’t even keep enough of it on our shelves. They know that, and they have upped the price on us since the demand is so high. We are now selling them at the bargain price of 1 can for $3.50 and 2 cans for $6.00. This is still a WAY better deal than you can get on their website where a 4 pack sells for $17! Ride the wave. Recover well. Drink Kill Clif!
Friday’s WOD
Snatch Pulls
3 sets of 2, pausing above the knee. Last set of 2 should be at 110% of your 1RM
4 rounds for time
5 power snatches
Run 200
Cash Out: 150 double unders
2014 06 19