Paleo, Snatches & tire flips
Do you find yourself eating out move often with all the fun summer activities at hand? Do you cruise the Chef’s Market on those sunny Thursday afternoons? Well, I’m here to remind you that there are Paleo choices all around! You don’t have to eat the wonderful looking wood fired pizza made by Azzurro, or even the taco salad with the tortilla strips from Gia’s food truck. You can simply step on over to the turkey leg guy and have a Paleo feast! So get primal and gnaw on that thing! They are delicious, moist and hot, and when you get done with the meat go ahead and break it open and suck that marrow out for the real goodness!
Those Paleo choices are everywhere. Even though that KettleKorn is calling, once you get some protein in that belly it will no longer have the appeal of the sound of the sirens!
Go BIG. You’ll thank yourself, and your workouts will soar.
Snatches – From the floor, full squat
4 Rounds:
2 Tire flips (athletes may team up to flip the tire if there is a backup at the tire, but each athlete must flip the tire twice)
10 KB Swings (70/44)
KB Overhead walk to second set of stairs (LH out, RH back)
5 DB thrusters (50/30)
2011 06 28