Snatch & Pistol WOD
Doing squats with heavy weights may look and feel more impressive, but one legged strength is far more applicable to sports in which changes of direction and explosive action occur from one leg. The stabilizing muscles in the leg are much more active in controlling the movement of a lunge than a squat. Strengthening your stabilizing muscles will increase the grace and control of your movements on the ultimate field.
Enter the pistol. Here’s a good guide to progressions, and there are some nice links in the article to different coaches who make an art out of these movements. Tabata Times has a nice article on them too.
The good folks at Sound Body Life have come up with a great way to get yourself organized for the coming week ahead in regards to your nutrition. If you plan well, you can avoid all of that last minute crammingofwhateverisavailablebecauseohmygodi’msohungryrightnow into your mouth and feeling guilty and depressed because you SWORE you weren’t going to do that anymore. Get prepared, people! Check out this one week meal planning guide and shopping list and get inspired: One Week Paleo Meal Plan
Friday’s WOD
Hang Power Snatches
Work on form and stability.
2-2-2-2 @ 75% of 1RM
3 RFT:
30 Pistols (alternating 15/side)
7 pull ups
10 Hang Power Snatches, 115/75
2015 03 12