Spicy Sauce and Snatch Balance / OHS
It’s recipe time! I am SUCH a hot-sauce fiend – if I’ve eaten it, chances are that I’ve eaten it with hot sauce on it! And, one of my favorite hot sauces is Sriracha – sooooo delicious!
However, I don’t love all the salt and preservatives that come along with prepared sauces, and so was thrilled to find this recipe on Punchfork, one of my new favorite places to find delicious, paleo-friendly recipes, as well as inspiration for my own creations.
Enjoy, and please do share any recipes you’ve found lately that you can’t do without!
Tuesday’s WOD:
Max Effort Snatch balance followed directly by an overhead squat. Find 1rm (1 rep = 1 snatch balance followed directly by 1 OHS)
AMRAP 8 Mins:
8 Box jumps (30/24)
8 Kettlebell Swings (70/44)
8 Slam Balls (50/25)
2013 01 21
Hey Emilie,
Just thought I would share… NomNompaleo also has a homemade Sriracha sauce that you might also want to try. 🙂