Paleo Challenge Starts Tonight! Snatch & Prowlers
Paleo Call To Action: Attend Kick-Off Meeting at 7.30 Wednesday Night, May 1st. Get LEAN. Feel GOOD. Choose Vitality.
Get your pictures and registration done before the meeting. Picture hours on Wednesday are:
Pictures will also be taken post kick-off meeting.
Buy in is $40. Let’s face it; a small price to pay for feeling better than you have in years!
Afraid to change what you eat? Don’t worry. You’re among friends, and I’m just as scared as you are! For Challenge details click here. We look forward to seeing you all tonight.
Wednesday’s WOD:
Snatch: Find 1rm
5 rounds:
1 prowler push (1 length of the gym) (90/50)
7 Box Jumps (24/20)
12 Toes to bar
Rest 1:1
2013 04 30