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The 1-Month Challenge Is Back!

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Many of you may remember the monthly challenges that we did in the fall.  I hope you all enjoyed them, because they are back!  I’ve got two challenges for you this month:  The first is Max Effort Strict Pull Ups.  For this challenge, I want to see you guys working on your strict pull ups before and after class.  Get in, jump on the bar, and give me as many pull ups as you can before you have to drop down.  Hand positions don’t matter.  Bands are allowed, but no kipping.  Once you do your pull ups, put your score on the board with your name (and the color of band if you used one).  If you beat a previous score of yours, cross it out and put your new record.

The second challenge will work a little bit differently.  I have been seeing a lot of movement at the gym lately that can be greatly improved by stretching out the hamstrings.  So, the second challenge is to stretch your hamstrings daily.  I am looking for a minimum of 5 minutes of hamstring stretches.  The stretches are completely up to you.  You can use PNF if you like, or a simple sit and reach.  I will even accept straddle stretch.  If you complete 5 mins of hamstring stretching, put your name on the board and give yourself a tally mark.  Your goal is to get at least 20 tally marks by the end of the month.  The stretching does not need to be performed at the gym to count.  Just stretch them out!  I bet you’ll see your squat numbers go up…

Let me know if you have any questions about the challenges in the comments.



Tuesday’s WOD:

Find 1RM of the following:
Position 1 Snatch (Full squat)
Position 2 Snatch (Full squat)
Position 3 Snatch (Full squat)

*Perform this as if it were a 3RM.  All 3 snatches should be performed in succession.  You may drop the weight between reps, but do not rest until the triplet is complete.

AMRAP 8 Mins:
6 High Hang Clean to Thrusters (Use weight from snatch triplet)
6 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)
6 Pull-ups

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