Schedule Changes and Hammer Gone Bad!
There are a few changes to our schedule that we want to make sure you know about!
- Foundations Training for CrossFitters will be held from 4-4:30 pm on the next three Mondays in October – 10/14, 10/21 and 10/28. Stay tuned for additional times and dates in November!
- Due to lack of attendance and demand, the following classes will no longer be offered as of 10/11/13
- 10 am Level I Class on Tuesday and Thursday
- 7 am Level II Class on Fridays
In addition to these changes, we are actively looking at filling possible holes in our schedule that would be of demand. A few suggestions we’ve had are:
- CrossFit Level I Class at 7 am on weekdays
- CrossFit Level II Class on Saturday mornings
The more feedback we get from you all, the more we know what times work best for you. Please comment on this post or talk to your Coach and give us an idea of what works best for you! We of course can’t promise to put everyone’s request on the schedule, but we will do our best to fill a common demand!
-Your Team of WCCF Coaches
Wednesday’s Workout
Toes-to-Bar – Practice kipping toes to bar, focusing on consecutive repetitions for as long as possible.
Hammer Gone Bad:
3 Rounds with 1 minute rest between rounds:
1 Minute Sledge Strikes R
1 Minute Sledge Strikes L
1 Minute Dumbell Hang cleans (50/20)
1 Minute Box jumps (24/20)
Add total number of reps for score
2013 10 08
Yes please Saturday level 2 9 am and 7 am weekdays!
I’m for level two on Saturdays!!!
Isaiah and I are for the 7am Weekdays level 1! 🙂
Level 1 at 7 am weekdays, please. That would be perfect in my schedule.
Agree, Saturday level 2 and 7 am weekdays! Please!
Level 2 Saturdays PLEASE 🙂