Rope Climbs & Met Con
Does rope climbing create a sinking feeling in your gut? Do you gaze over at the ropes and shake your head a little and think “nope, not for me”? Well, on the heels of yesterday’s advice–if you are shaking your head “no”–I want you to nod enthusiastically and say to yourself (or out loud for that matter) “YES! Rope climbs today! I’ve been looking for an excuse to get on that equipment and today is the DAY!”
Here is an excellent article about rope climbing with lots of great tips and advice–read it before coming in to class, if you already know how to climb a rope it will give you some new techniques to think about, if you have never even touched a rope, it will give you the courage to do so, and if you are somewhere in between it will help you solidify your fundamentals. I particularly like the nugget of info that rope climbing was an Olympics gymnastics event until 1932.
Tuesday’s WOD
Work on Rope Climbing technique.
If you are already solid and fast then work legless climbs. 10×1
30-second L-sit hold/30 seconds rest x3
on rings or boxes.
Scale: high knees
AMRAP 20 Min
Tour of MetCon (start anywhere on list)
600 m row
10 box jumps 24/20
RUN to Lincoln
10 Burpees
60 double unders
2015 08 10