Notices, Rings and A Walk in the Park
New Gym Update:
-We are progressing on the building of bathrooms and office space. The shower and toilets are going in this week, sheetrock goes up next Monday, and soon after paint and stall mats! The intention is to be in the new 5300 square foot gym space before the end of the month. I will keep you posted.
-We are adding a NEW class at 4.30PM on Fridays. It will start this week, on Friday January 11th.
-Are you missing your favorite jacket or sweatshirt. or perhaps your lovely plate from the last potluck? Look no further than the Lost & Found Box in the office. PLEASE come on in this week and look for your goodies as we will donate to the goodwill this coming Saturday.
Wednesday’s WOD:
Inverted hang and lever work
For Time:
With a bar in the front rack position, walk 800m (135/95)
*If you need to stop to put the bar down, complete 3 thrusters before moving on.
2013 01 08