Level II Classes & Rack Jerks
We will begin a Level II CrossFit class on Wednesday May 22 at 5PM. For starters we will host this class once a week, and add days as demand increases. The addition of this class is both an effort to mitigate the crowds in the 4.30 and 5.30 classes, and also to enhance the skill level among all of our athletes. The level II class will devote the entire hour to strength and skill work, and we will announce the criterion for participation next week. This class will be coached by Rodrigo Perez. We are excited for this new offering!
Thursday’s WOD:
Rack Jerk: Find 1rm
From the back rack position, jerk using your choice of split jerk or push jerk
5 Push Press (155/95)
7 Pull Ups
9 Kettlebell Swings (70/44)
2013 05 08