Pulling, Pushing and Gymnastics!
Ah, another Golden Unicorn sighting. Muscle ups.
Even if you never get a shot at completing a muscle up do not ignore or give up the pursuit of one. Pulling, pushing, and gymnastic practice is wonderful work for you. So much great stuff is happening in the actual attempts–not only from a physical systems standpoint, but also from a nervous system and a neurological one. Do not “cherry-pick” this workout or modify too heavily if you can avoid it. Sometimes we have to fail miserably before we can achieve our highest goals.
Pulling, Pushing and Gymnastics!
Beginner – Pull-ups and Dips – 3 Supersets of 15 reps each
Intermediate – Scaled Bar Muscle-ups (jumping, banded, negative)
Advanced – Kipping and Strict Bar Muscle-ups
Tuesday’s WOD
Every 1 min for 20 mins do:
1 Muscle-up or 3 strict pull ups
12 Wall Balls (20/14)
– Scale the wall ball load up as needed for additional challenge – Continue this EMOM until cannot complete the reps anymore within the minute. If you reach failure, rest the following minute and then try again until 20 minute time cap. Stop if you get to 20 consecutive rounds.
Cash out: Shoulder stretching!
2015 02 23