Press & Power Cleans First Rib
No, I’m not talking about the most wonderful piece of pork or beef that you can sink your teeth into.
The first rib is the most tightly curved of all the ribs. It’s also the broadest of the ribs. It runs right under the clavicle. The thoracic outlet is a space, or passageway, that lies just above your first rib and behind your collarbone (clavicle). There are also some muscles that surround the thoracic outlet. The thoracic outlet runs from the base of your neck to your armpit. You have a thoracic outlet on the left and the right side of your body.
You REALLY want to get some good work done on your strict press work today? Unlock all the tissues and muscles around that area and you will be reaching for the sky like you’ve never done before!
Here are some mobilization techniques to use:
Wednesday’s WOD
At 65% of 1RM complete 3×5
or 2.5# increase from previous week.
5 Rounds for Time:
5 Power Cleans (135/95)
10 Over the Bar Burpees
200 M Run
PS. The clean should become more intuitive as this is the second day this week that we are cleaning it up!
Cash Out: Superset
–20 Pullup Challenge
-Pistol progression
2015 04 14