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Meet Matt Calcutt, Press & SlamBall WOD

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A little over a year ago Matt Calcutt saw our sign out on Soscol Ave and happened by. Matt lives in Truckee with his wife Tina, and works at Squaw Valley as ski patrol. He has over 20 years on the job there, so he has the liberty to work when the snow is fresh to throw dynamite, rescue skiers in distress, and of course ski the powder. When not found at Squaw on snow days he is in the back country, living it up!


Turns out Matt and I are from the same tribe as he has spent plenty of time in boats on rivers,  so we hit it off on the whitewater front as well as the CrossFit arena. He used to paddle a C-1, like the picture below shows, which is where you sit on your knees and use a paddle with one blade. In order to keep the knees in working order he decided kayaks were the way to go. He graduated to a two bladed paddle and we can no longer say “half the paddle and twice the man!”


Matt’s other job is as a CHP officer. He is a medic, and flies around in a helicopter with Pilot Dave Power (of the 6AM class) and chases villains and saves lives. He is stationed down here in Napa, which is why we get to have him with us at Wine Country CrossFit.


Matt also works out at CrossFit Blizzard when at home in Truckee, and his gains are substantial. In a year he has gone from doing jumping pull-ups to kipping pull-ups. His overhead squat was 22#, and is now #125. He does most workouts as prescribed, his deadlift is up to #390, and his CrossFit total is 805.  His goal in starting CrossFit was to lose weight and get stronger as staying fit over 40 was proving harder than expected. The “forced” group workouts and continual PR’s keep him inspired, and he reports  the greatest inspiration is continuing to maintain and improve in sports and outdoor activities despite the aging process.


He participated in the last Paleo Challenge, and though he didn’t win (he was .1% body fat point behind winner Gary Awai), he was certainly the biggest loser in every other way. During the 45 day challenge his total cholesterol dropped from 265 to 223, his LDL from 203 to 166, his triglycerides from 92 to 79. A regular sufferer of gout, he had no attacks and reduced his waistline. He cut out the beer entirely, minimized the other alcohol by 50%, ate tons of meat, and never felt better!


Thanks for working out with us Matt. Your quiet presence and progress is an inspiration to all.














Press – 3×5

Slam Ball (50/25)
Wall Balls (20/14)

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